Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 With these specifications agreed , chip makers can now concentrate on producing single microprocessors capable of performing this difficult task , reasonably confident that other bits of equipment will be compatible with them and that a large market for some sort of digital broadcasting will develop .
2 His gallops have always impressed me but after a couple of disappointing runs on the flat his attentions were turned to the all-weather surfaces .
3 explain that story at the end , was so fond of dragons that he adorned with drawings and carvings of them but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation
4 And it worried me to that extent that I almost went without your okay and rang up Terry and said , please fix those blinds , because we have got blinds which cost almost two hundred pounds or something and or a hundred and nineteen pounds , and it seems they ca n't fix them .
5 After discussion , this was agreed and it was further resolved that this meeting be treated as an interim one and that a full AGM be held in March 1990 and annually thereafter .
6 The courts did not accept that the employer — employee relationship was not an equal one and that an employee might have continued to work in the face of danger for fear of losing his job .
7 They may chug along believing that structure is all there is to it or that a combination of structure and roles is the answer .
8 He should make it known within the company that this is one of his priorities , that the whole board supports it and that a percentage of the profits should be devoted to it .
9 She was quite mature in her answers , and as you will see from Document A , sir , the Visitor got the impression — we have to rely on their experience in this sort of judgement — ; that she was more or less in command of the situation and had gained poise and experience from it and that a second traumatic removal from what in fact was a secure home for her would at this stage do more harm than good , especially as the relationship between the girl and her father was not good .
10 It shows that they must have it and that an exception is not improbable but impossible .
11 In the morning we had difficulty getting the camels down to the lake ; we then followed the stream that flowed out of it and after a short march camped not far from an Adoimara village .
12 ‘ A normal baby arrives head first to make childbirth as easy as possible — and even that would have been difficult for her , given her narrow pelvis — You do know what and where a pelvis is , I hope , McAllister ? ’
13 Some schools abuse us and once a kid 's in , they leave them here — but if I think a school understands us then I 'll fit in with them .
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