Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 I 've got one brother , but he was younger than me and at that time he were going to school anyway .
2 We started off by having a shower together , which relaxed me and from that moment on there was a surprisingly intimate and friendly atmosphere .
3 So that changed me and after that it went from you know , higher and higher all the time , the more and we used to get .
4 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
5 ‘ I make men out of them and for that I 'm at fault .
6 Even now , disabled people find themselves in hospital because it is the only place that will look after them and for that reason alone .
7 Your Royal Highness , it is , it is , it is interesting that when I attended the Annual General Meeting last year of the Boats Organization , the fact that I said that yachtsmen was a Con Conservation Body as well surprised them and since that time we have having collaboration with them er more and more and this is to be welcomed because we all want to sail in nice surroundings .
8 If they were to live in peace it was necessary , he said , that the Indians should have a country set apart for them and in that country they must stay .
9 A local craft shop took them and after that she had regular orders for them from outlets further afield .
10 It also does n't have to be a particularly fast drive because spreadsheets read the data into memory once when you start using them and after that the speed of the disk has no effect .
11 No time would pass for you but during that trance I could unpack whatever reserves of information this particular visual scene contains . ’
12 Katharin McMILLAN wife of DUNCAN McKENZIE should have been with them but by that time was dead .
13 The case against the defendant was indeed a strong one and for that reason their Lordships would not be prepared simply to recommend that an acquittal be ordered , but they do not feel able to say that the jury would inevitably have convicted , if the defence had been furnished in advance with the three statements in question and if the jury had received the accepted direction on evidence as to character and guidance from the trial judge on the problem , whatever it was , indicated when they first returned to court .
14 My mother was beside herself and after that , although she still almost worshipped her , she was afraid even to hold her up or lift her , so I had all the care of her .
15 The respondent is entitled to argue that section 18 should be construed in a way favourable to him and for that reason I have refrained from pronouncing on that matter .
16 The salient fact is that Wigg believed , and believed with great intensity , that Profumo had lied to him and for that reason was a suitable object for punishment in fanning the flame of the sexual scandal .
17 Lunia , the sympathetic friend and neighbour , who was herself interested in Modigliani , managed to calm him and after that she stood guard at the door to prevent any intrusion .
18 Then Rachel remembered that Jennifer had said that David had told her he was in love with her and in that moment she knew that what her sister had said had been the truth , because it was there in his eyes .
19 Shakily Fernando eased away from her and in that terrible second she hesitated , fearing the rejection he had once threatened her with .
20 A sob burst from her lips as the night exploded around her and in that one moment Caroline understood .
21 The comment may have been innocent enough , but it caused me to lose confidence in her and from that moment on something in me just froze .
22 The girl 's brother was later to claim acquaintance with him but by that time Jarvis was in Russia and his book half-finished .
23 Oh he 'll get hold of a hedgehog and shake it and with that he 'll come out with prickles all on the end
24 We managed to do it and after that we had to get the money from people who sponsored us .
25 Hooker , Glynn Mann got them back into it and after that there was no contest .
26 Not everyone has a marriage like mine and for that , many women will no doubt be very grateful .
27 I mean if you take the regulatory we did it with today that it consists of the Bank of England , the Securities and Investment Board , twenty four organisations of the S I B S , siblings you might call them er under it , the Building Societies Commission , the police , the serious fraud office , the Department of Trade and Industry , the London Stock Exchange , the Inland Revenue , five recognised supervisory bodies , all those dealing with er auditors and the others , it 's chaos er and nobody knows who is responsible for what and in that chaos you get overlapping decisions er er and conflicting regulations , everybody tries to ensure themselves by regulating too much er er and it 's a situation which drastically needs simplification , but we do n't have any proposals for strengthening and making that work er er frame work more effective , to back up er this er simple proposal today .
28 He also underpaid us and for that he will be eternally grateful . ’
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