Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 Everyone calls me Jessica do n't they ?
2 Beneath the small screen was an intricate keyboard system , although nothing Rex had n't seen before .
3 And God forgive me Jean do n't panic
4 my Victoria not my monkey , my Victoria 's not got a monkey
6 This is made clearer in the description of the London Beggar , whom Wordsworth did not help and yet who manifestly affected him considerably .
7 Merlyn said : ‘ For heaven 's sake , Philippe , tell her Ben did n't do any such thing . ’
8 North Korea has secretly produced more plutonium ( from which nuclear weapons can be made ) than it has owned up to ; it is suspected of building a bomb , despite its NPT promise not to do so .
9 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
10 Consequently , rather than viewing the totalitarian structure of the PCF as a source of oppression , it is more productive to view it as the chosen institution within which Nizan found not only political asylum but also emotional and moral equilibrium , a refuge in short which provided him with a necessary disciplined working environment .
11 The world of fashion and advertising ( from which Victoria has not quite made her escape — she is like someone with one boot stuck deep in the mud , unable to move either way ) now uses places like that as themes for new looks or as inspiration for ‘ lifestyles ’ .
12 Which Roger has n't seen yet
13 There was a concerted splutter from Maggie and Peggy in which Rona did n't join ; instead , her expression quite humourless , she murmured , ‘ Well , you arsked , ’ and Peggy , mimicking her companion 's refeened accent , said , ‘ Yes , I arsked and you h'answered , h'as you always do . ’
14 They signed two protocols which amounted to an attempt to revive a 1987 security protocol directed against the Kurdish separatist guerrillas of the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which Syria had not implemented .
15 In the difficult economic climate of the 1970s and 80s there have been more frequent cries from industry for assistance , which States have not always resisted in their desire to minimise the disruptive effects of economic change .
16 It receives them automatically as a member of the European Broadcasting Union , a privilege granted to it because 15 member stations of that cosy cartel own the half of Eurosport which Murdoch does not .
17 Kelly laughed and muttered an expletive which Dennis pretended not to hear .
18 Hecate immediately warns the audience , in a speech displaced to the opening , that it is confronted by a chaotic world in which Scotland does not even stand where it did .
19 There are other omissions , too , which Purcell did not make good , quite apart from the dances which Shedlock noted were missing — the overture , for one .
20 Helen watched the door , through which Giles did not come .
21 There was another reason which Marama did n't reveal , until the day before he was due to sail , when she told the painter that she was three months pregnant .
22 The measures , which Menem chose not to present to the Congress , were designed to encourage foreign investment , further reduce inflation and boost productivity .
23 Most curious of all is Gombert 's delightful re-composition of Janequin 's famous ‘ Chant des oyseaux ’ in three parts yet with more closely knit polyphony and concealment of caesurae which Janequin had not attempted to disguise .
24 However , Ukraine invited representatives from the other CIS states to meet on Feb. 25 to negotiate repayment mechanisms ; at the meeting , which Russia had not attended , Ukraine had offered to become responsible for the share of the debt incurred by Moldova , Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan , which had also refused to sign the memorandum ( their share of the debt being minimal ) .
25 ‘ Niki boy , ’ said Bernard , walking round behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder , which Landau did n't like , ‘ in the world today , we 've got to show the flag .
26 This emerges particularly in the verse paragraph in lines 77 – 89 of the Introduction , in which the Man of Law is made to note certain tales which Chaucer has not versified — Canace and Machaire , and Appollonius of Tyre — which Gower did include amongst the tales of his Confessio Amantis .
27 The first , which Stephen had not mentioned , concerned a small ship flying the Nazi flag .
28 There was scarcely a branch of Australian art to which Burke did not make a contribution , through research , criticism , personal contact with artists , and as a member of countless boards , committees and trusts .
29 News spread like wildfire , but it brought Burke unexpected trouble in that a man called Samuel O'Rourke claimed to be a friend of the dead Byrne and challenged Burke to a fight which Burke did not want .
30 They had talked about words during that drive , well , place-names really , with particular reference to the villages that were called Roding after the river : High Roding , Berners Roding , Margaret Roding , and Rufus told him they were pronounced Roothing from the old Danish , which Adam had n't known before .
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