Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] are [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When you telephone someone you are more likely to intrude at an inconvenient time and not realize it .
2 This is true whether the loss is small and relatively trivial or if total and of the greatest importance , such as losing through death someone we are deeply attached to .
3 However , by keeping our thoughts to ourselves we are often depriving that person of information which could be very helpful .
4 In a mature relationship imitation is replaced by reciprocation , in which the parties frankly recognise their differences while resisting the temptation to think that ‘ because my ways are different from yours they are therefore better ’ .
5 And the medium through which you are most likely to experience this is relationships .
6 The ones which you are most likely to come across include :
7 It is therefore recommended that you select only those fields which you are most interested in e.g.
8 A group of ornithologists has just returned from an expedition to an arid area in Mexico in which you are keenly interested .
9 The simplest way to cure these defects — which probably exist in your own speech , although you are unaware of them — is to tape-record your conversation with some other person on a serious subject in which you are both interested , and then listen to it critically .
10 After two more appearances , during which you are inconveniently looking the wrong way , you decide to go and look for the ghost .
11 All cities have green or red lines that separate Muslim from Christians , or rich from poor , lines beyond which you are no longer safe if you belong to one tribe or the other .
12 If this is not your first name , then you may give the name by which you are normally called .
13 It involves getting someone other than you to make and carry out decisions , and to achieve results , for which you are nevertheless ultimately responsible .
14 Use a dictionary — almost any English dictionary is adequate for this purpose ; and check all words of which you are even a little unsure .
15 Once again , the Regional Arts Association will know the leading amateur companies in your area , and this should certainly help you in looking for the kind of group to which you are best suited .
16 Officially , since you have to have an official existence , you have a nationality of which you are either proud or fond .
17 Furthermore , of course , there are the benefits — with which you are already familiar — of the personal service which is reserved for our most valued local customers .
18 Only add those things of which you are quite sure .
19 Make a list of the special words and phrases which are used , put them into sentences and weave them thoroughly into the do-it-yourself SAS mirror-practice with which you are still persevering faithfully and regularly every day .
20 What was intriguing was that after the gentleman in question had filled in his first , second and third name there was room on the form , if he felt so inclined , to tell us the ‘ forename or nickname by which you are popularly known ’ .
21 Be wary , though , of topics involving issues in which you are personally very deeply immersed .
22 This now brings you to the extraordinary position , 20 years on , in which you are essentially at the same table as your old adversary Edward Heath …
23 Now how can you cope as teachers with a school in which you are almost on call to all the population twenty four hours of the day , which is , it seems to me , what you 're saying ?
24 The Town Council , of which you are very aware , in a very detailed submission written by the Town Clerk , recommended refusal .
25 To the aficionado , angling is both peaceful and exhilarating , to the uninitiated , sitting on a river bank on which you are more likely to catch a score of gnats than one trout , seems a long-winded way of getting a fish dinner .
26 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
27 Jesus Christ several times appeared to her with a sweet and gracious countenance , saying to her to rouse her courage , ‘ remember my love , that the bed of the cross on which I died for love of you was harder , narrower and more painful than that on which you are now lying' ’ .
28 I 'd just like to I do n't think this is a strategic matter in the in in the terms which you are now defining it and indeed the issue of self containment , my understanding is only the universe is self contained .
29 And the past to which you are so resolutely attached — I suppose you regard it as having been ideal ?
30 It is important to be honest with yourself so that you can learn to match yourself reasonably accurately with jobs for which you are genuinely suited .
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