Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 Wexford did n't take the vacant seat and something in his expression must have told Cullam he wanted privacy , for he said to his wife , ‘ Ca n't you get them kids out of here ? ’
2 I daresay you were right , I should n't have brushed my teeth out of the tap . ’
3 My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could only walk with my heels out of my shoes .
4 ‘ I 'll be the first to pull my kids out of the school if this curriculum is introduced , ’ says Anna Saez , parent association head of the Elmhurst public school .
5 Towards the end of his life he told Osbert Sitwell ; ‘ Any talent I may have was due to a long illness as a boy , which afforded me time to think , and subsequent ill-health , because I was not allowed to play games , and so had to teach myself , for my enjoyment , to use my eyes instead of my feet . ’
6 ‘ I got my legs out of the way and curled up in a ball on the driver 's seat .
7 As soon as I get my legs out of bed , that 's first thing I pick up , my glasses .
8 I drew my feet out of the water .
9 I thought of nothing other than dragging my feet out of the mud encasing them .
10 ‘ I just this minute took my cakes out of the oven .
11 I had to take my thumbs out of my nostrils and uncross my eyes before I answered .
12 ‘ That I 'm able to offer specially designed , hand-painted tiling lifts my kitchens out of the ordinary and helps me to market them .
13 ‘ I first started writing songs when I was about 14 , because I knew that the first song I 'd put down would be so crap I thought I 'd get all my ideas out of the way first , and then I 'd start getting all artistic , ’ explains Tony .
14 I went upstairs and put my suitcase on the bed and took my things out of the drawers .
15 I turned over , got my dreams out of my bag and started flicking through them .
16 And I had to pay my rooms out of that .
17 She might 'ave 'ad carnal relations and 'im too I should n't wonder — but I 'll thank 'im to leave my relations out of it !
18 I 'll bring my matches when I like take the dog in I 'll nip upstairs and say I 've got ta get something and I 'll just grab my matches out of there in case he 's lost them or something !
19 Slowly , I took my fists out of my pockets and opened them empty .
20 I was carrying her in my arms out of hospital .
21 I swore I 'd never take my hands out of my pockets again .
22 Dad marched over , pulled my hands out of my ears and forced them down to my sides .
23 I managed to wriggle my hands out of the tape so I could pull down the gag , poke my head out of the sack and breathe more freely .
24 I take my hands out of my pockets , and step forward the last pace .
25 I took my hands out of my pants pockets and bowed , expecting her to go by .
26 The only time I 've ever frozen in an exam was when I 'd gone for three exams solid without kip , one after the other , and I just brain and the other ones were a real struggle and I had to graft my marks out of solid granite y'know I was chiselling away .
27 Forty years later the Italians , in another unprovoked attack , used poison gas to ensure victory and shot many of their prisoners out of hand .
28 A ceremony of Confirmation and of First Communion are inserted in the House Beautiful , and finally , in the most fundamental change , the pilgrims are enabled to cross the river and enter the Heavenly City by virtue of their acts instead of by their faith .
29 Voters had limited information about the policy positions of the parties and often supported a party in spite of its policies instead of because of them .
30 This week London audiences gave ET their verdicts on Of Mice And Men , adapted from John Steinbeck 's novel , and The Waterdance .
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