Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 I 'm thinking actually of here in the university itself , we 've got three different groups in those areas that are now collaborating , and I think we 've got a good chance of _ especially in the area of schools curricula — but also in the area , I think , of helping business people , and I 'm thinking now of senior management , who might be your and my age , Brian , for whom computers did n't exist when we went through university or college , erm who 've probably more or less given up any hope of understanding it and understanding the computer boffins who have taken over — almost taken over the company at times , one suspects .
2 but you see he 'd have a list of the horse who 's gon na work or win races well if them animals did n't eat up he did n't work them .
3 them kids do n't
4 My plans have n't changed .
5 My views have not changed and I shall continue to attempt to persuade the majority of the Labour party to reassert its policy of unilateral nuclear disarmament .
6 Therefore my skills have not been utilized to the full and I may have fallen behind my UK counterparts .
7 I only put it on at night as my herons do n't seem to come in the day .
8 Secondly , although the anecdotal nature of my illustrations do not add up to a seriously informative lecture , with full classifications and statistical support , I do hope they identify areas of particular neglect in our English language studies , and suggest the fruitfulness of these topics for further work .
9 My fingers had not merely done the walking but felt as though they 'd run a marathon .
10 My fingers do n't work too well .
11 I 'd do it if my teeth did n't hurt !
12 Rather self-deprecatingly , he reveals that : ‘ It became clear to me that my talents did not lie in selling . ’
13 another scenario that comes up quite often is that , somebody comes in and say my kids have n't had any food all over the weekend because you did n't send out a giro
14 my kids have n't had any food all weekend that I 've paid for because you did n't send me my giro , they 've had their meals because they 've been round there at grandma 's , but I 'm not telling you that , yeah , you know .
15 Half my clients do n't even want to let me know what they 're up to .
16 And resting my eyes does n't have much to do with it , I 'm sure , but I 'm darn well going to rest them anyway . ’
17 I look out into the darkness , but my eyes do n't focus at first , as they are so fresh from sleep .
18 He paused before adding significantly , ‘ My eyes do n't miss much .
19 I said look Neil you can drive , but let's not let's not take it that I 'm saying that you must drive let's go into the question of why you 're making a mess of it at this time and we , oh honestly Brenda if I 've got black circles under my eyes do not be surprised because , of course , this all goes back to his absolutely , appallingly , stupid mother !
20 said down the corridor he walked in his full uniform , the first morning say and that memory son will always stick ya , cos when I give her over that picture of the twins at Christmas , she , she looked up , she sort of looked up at me , she said I 've got tears in my eyes have n't I , and I looked and like I was choked as well and I , she sort of , I said yeah you are and she said , every time I look at them it brings back those memories the first memories of this little boy
21 Perhaps it will come as no surprise to my readers to hear not only that all knowledge of selling me a coffin was denied but even that they were now , or ever had been , coffin-manufacturers .
22 There have been occasions over the past 30 years when the attendance in this House for my speeches has not been quite as large as it is today .
23 I did notice , however , that some of the wild plants and flowers that seemed to do well on my pastures did n't grow in other people 's fields .
24 My brothers did n't have to do housework !
25 The titles of my lectures had not changed since the early sixties : Bernini , Borromini , Carlo Fontana , Sculpture I and Sculpture II .
26 My feet seemed not to touch the ground .
27 My hands and my feet do n't certainly .
28 If my parents had n't sent me money every week , I could n't have survived . ’
29 My parents do not share the same repulsion of apartheid that I do .
30 I know I 'm sixteen and old enough to get married but my parents do n't want me to get married yet .
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