Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [be] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I I 'm being perfectly honest , I did n't know who it was .
2 You can ask them either just as they are or use them as a basis for formulating questions that are particularly related to the job for which you are being interviewed .
3 the first sheet has not been changed and the first sheet shows the base resource budget which you are being asked to recommend on line twenty one and then it shows a number of savings which can be achieved through efficiency and volume changes .
4 I said well it 's funny how a friend of mine gets it , she says well she must be on Income Support with an underlying something like an , a different pension on top of her Income Support , which she is is n't she ?
5 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
6 To show her the evil of her ways , the evil for which she was being punished .
7 And yet the impact on us is considerable , and I 'm seriously wondering whether the major spending committees ought not to look again at the budgets that they 're erm , and I 've discussed this with , and obviously education is the big problem , but er , I 'm not convinced that erm , the sums of money which we 're being asked to pay out , not be taken from the education budget without too dra drastic an effect on the school .
8 ‘ That is why I share the disquiet now widespread in the party at the speed with which we are being assured the leadership is settled . ’
9 While it is important that we take stock of and combat the fraudulent ways in which we are being described by those who oppose us , we should not be unmindful or insensitive to what we are saying about ourselves , of how we are describing who-we-are .
10 Any rational person would disapprove of Moustaine , Auriega and the way in which we were being treated .
11 Yes Chairman erm , I 'm , I should like to draw attention to the paragraph three , two and wonder what happened to three , three , because er we see it goes from my copy goes from three , two , to three , four , so er I do n't know whether there is anything in three , three that I have forgotten , but I , I assume now that I which they 're are two other .
12 Yet many names do not believe that the losses for which they are being asked to stump up were incurred just through bad luck .
13 Gooch 's men must accept their lot and get on with a job for which they are being paid around £20,000 a man .
14 Like the cab driver , it can be useful to assess your particular balance of needs and consider the extent to which they are being satisfied .
15 Most clients are first time offenders who are ignorant of their rights and the process through which they are being put ( Thomas and Smith 1978 ) .
16 This section has been concerned with outlining policies aimed at freeing the underclass from the political , economic and social apartheid into which they are being pushed .
17 b ) Time scale : different forecasting methods will have different value according to the time scale for which they are being applied .
18 There is no serious dissent from the general proposition that we should have a system which combines a thorough examination of all individual claims , a clear exposition of the criteria against which they are being assessed , all proper speed and then a clear decision , whether positive or negative , and an effective right of appeal before removal for those whose claims have been rejected .
19 The idea of a postmodern culture refers , however , to a way of life in which signs and forms of communication have largely become separated from content and from the specific contexts in which they are being projected and received .
20 It has often and justly been observed that real indoctrination goes undetected except by those who for other reasons have cause to question the content of the beliefs and values into which they are being pushed .
21 More specifically , we can ask what implications are carried by the sentences about the contexts in which they are being used .
22 This then led to an obsession with political and social questions with decreasing reference to the criterion by which they were being examined , namely the Christian gospel of salvation for all mankind .
23 Grant 's responsibilities at John Dickinson provided him with a wide knowledge of the paper manufacturing processes used throughout the world and the way in which they were being improved .
24 But , employing the commercial sobriety for which they were being approached , they all refused .
25 She , too , felt that she was denied the opportunity to make a genuine contribution , in cooperation with the professionals , to the understanding of Tom 's needs and the circumstances in which they were being created .
26 Among the other abuses of the day it was not unknown for a managing-owner and a master to conspire to defraud merchants by stealing their goods before " casting away " the ship in which they were being carried , or similarly defrauding the underwriters concerned with marine insurance , with consequent losses of crewmen .
27 As the universe continued to expand and the temperature to drop , the rate at which electron/antielectron pairs were being produced in collisions would have fallen below the rate at which they were being destroyed by annihilation .
28 As a result , from the end of the seventeenth century onwards both Houses increasingly demanded to be informed about the negotiations with foreign States which made necessary the taxation and borrowing to which they were being asked to agree .
29 It is a quite mistaken interpretation of the result to assume that the French people were not fully aware of the issue on which they were being consulted .
30 He tried to tell himself he was being ridiculous .
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