Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] to her " in BNC.

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1 Coolly Bunty turned to give a final look in the mirror ; then put her fingers to her lips and , as she passed Conroy , pressed them against his .
2 She touched her fingers to her pulse and drew her breath hard .
3 Jitka turned and put her fingers to her lips as they came to the main bedroom and they tiptoed passed .
4 She gasped now , putting her fingers to her mouth as though to stifle the horror of her thoughts .
5 Shaking , she pressed her fingers to her face and turned furiously away from him .
6 Agatha joined her hands together , raising her fingers to her lips as if she was a teacher teasing a rather clever pupil .
7 She touched her fingers to her lips and blew him a kiss , laughing huskily .
8 With an unconscious sigh of her own , she touched her fingers to her cheek , just as he had done .
9 Isabel put her fingers to her lips .
10 ‘ My God ! ’ she murmured , touching her fingers to her lips as though she could still feel the imprint of his ravaging mouth .
11 She eased away and touched her fingers to her lips .
12 She let the champagne touch her mouth , then opened it slightly so that the clean coldness flushed the fatness of her lower lip and spilled from her teeth to her tongue .
13 When seen the next morning in hospital , Pamela said she had not cared whether she lived or died when she took the overdose , but had hoped that it would show her parents how upset she was feeling about her school work , and that it might also persuade them to change their attitudes to her boyfriend .
14 Later , after returning home , in bed with his wife , the merchant taxes her about not having told him the monk had given her the money ; she claims that she thought the money the monk gave her was gift , and that she has already used it to buy clothing ; she will pay , she says , her debts to her husband in bed .
15 Three days after that , a plaster jacket was fitted from her shoulders to her hips .
16 She struggled to sit up , still wrapped in the mists of sleep , and he transferred his gaze from her shoulders to her breasts .
17 It does not efface the picture I have of that young cripple I carried ten miles before me on my horse , she mad with pain , blistered from her shoulders to her temple ; and the cloying smell of her burns is there now in my nostrils .
18 Two ants were attached by their pincers to her left arm .
19 A coil of heat seemed to rise from her thighs to her stomach , spreading up to her breasts .
20 After a moment she retraced her steps to her own modest quarters .
21 The briefest of smiles took flight from her lips to her eyes , and away , leaving her portentously grave again ; and with careful , frowning concentration she said in English , her bright , light , child 's voice forming the words as gingerly as a novice using an untried weapon : ‘ Oh , no — I am only Catherine . ’
22 She said the word clearly , but still did not raise her eyes to her father 's .
23 He seemed arrested by her laughter , she saw , as she watched his glance go from the merriment in her eyes to her laughing mouth .
24 Ruth was the first to break the contact , lowering her eyes to her coffee-cup .
25 At the same time as he stood up he slid his hands beneath her skirts and let them rise up her legs to her thighs , his face quite wickedly triumphant at his own cunning .
26 She would lose her job if she was not careful to keep her day-dreams to her evenings on her mother 's porch .
27 Esther , having thus fulfilled her obligations to her friends , forgot them both instantly , and returned her attention to a volume called The Vegetation of Medieval Europe and a German monograph on Sodoma ; works which she was reading and annotating by her own interleaved system , a system which had evolved from her inability to concentrate fully on any one topic for more than ten minutes .
28 She had clung to the doll tenaciously , until the awful feeling she 'd had once before stole up through her little body from her feet to her head , and the next thing she knew she was lying on the floor with her head in Ma 's lap .
29 She pressed her fingertips to her temples , shaking her head .
30 She blames her mother for this and sees it as a sign of inferiority , thus experiencing penis envy and transfers her affections to her father as he has the penis she wants .
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