Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] run to " in BNC.

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1 He has my sympathy and goodwill , on top of my guilt at laughing , and my emotions run to excess .
2 All my examples run to quite high numbers , which suggests not only that they were a large early printing , but that they were used as ordinary day returns in later days .
3 I saw the engine powerfully at work , its wires running to a monstrous figure , about which the scientist flitted in nervous excitement , Presently the figure sat up in its bandages .
4 The plasteel door of the airlock was a grim grin of great interlocking teeth , surrounded by tubular lips from which ducts ran to pressure gauges .
5 Its interests run to hotels , construction companies and dabbling in currency futures .
6 It is , therefore , right that a solicitor who finds that his talents run to advocacy should be able to change to the Bar with a minimum of fuss .
7 While his workmates ran to safety , John turned back for his jacket , and his delay was disastrous .
8 As a television viewer his tastes run to Bruckner rather than Cilla Black .
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