Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One kick of them hooves and you 'd be in the middle of next week . ’
2 We have a lot of privacies , and a lot of things until we change them , and you know why we changed it , because you went out and saw your clients and told them products and they reported you , and you came back and said but what about this , what about this ?
3 Well , about , I do n't know how long ago but we were stuck under the table for some time and er eventually we could hear this whirring noise like , you know and er I , I was a bit more daring than me brothers and I sneaked out and went out to the backdoor , an and looked up and there I could see this er Zeppelin in the sky , you know !
4 I have made my plans and I must stick to them .
5 ‘ I have been watching videos of my fights and I have been making a lot of basic mistakes .
6 Now I 've lost all my contacts and I 'm unemployed at the moment , y'know .
7 ‘ Then I spoke to one of my contacts and he said it was on the money .
8 Mr Bell was dismissive of the criticisms , commenting : ‘ I have managed to get through campaigns without knowing the names of my opponents and I think I will be reasonably successful this time , too . ’
9 and the thing is Lyn the thing that er used to piss me off was she used to wear my knickers and I ca n't stand that .
10 Says Catherine ‘ My flatmates and I were expecting the return of our £780 deposit when we were told the agency had gone bankrupt .
11 Now I 've got application form , expenses , my notes and I 'll just write up there estates twenty eight two oh I must put wallets down here .
12 I 've done my exams and I think I 've done well in them .
13 She 's made me more responsible and I 've done better in my exams and I 've worked at my English .
14 I 'm shouting at the 4th one not to do them so tight because I could n't move my fingers and they just told me to shut my mouth and go quietly .
15 ‘ I 'd pet ( the mice ) ‘ em , and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they were dead — because they were so little ’
16 A nurse came in and asked for my X-rays and I remembered I had forgotten them .
17 It was n't like , ‘ I 'm the producer , these are my secrets and I 'm gon na keep 'em to myself . ’
18 I bit the shell of one and gave the kernel to her , and then bit another and pretended it had broken one of my teeth and I was in too much pain . ’
19 ‘ Well , see one of my blokes and they 'll tell you what you 'll need .
20 At the same time Italian youth became even more highly organized ; on many Saturdays my schoolmates and I had to travel to Parma to attend parades in our various uniforms .
21 Get up here , do n't lay them down they might leak all over my books and I will be in trouble
22 Ireland spoke through you , and your mother , and a whole history of sexual repression ; the kneejerk of an oppressed peasantry rose up in you when Jed 's fingers tweaked my nipples and you hit him , comrade in Marx though he was .
23 ‘ That will depend on my performances and I hope that as long as my form for Liverpool improves I will be knocking on the door .
24 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
25 But the duchess is said to have dug in her heels by telling Buckingham Palace : ‘ You take my kids and it 's no deal . ’
26 ‘ I told you , Murphy , that although I am immensely grateful to you for helping me to repair the shed to make a hen house and for finding me the things I need , these are my hens and I shall look after them .
27 I must choose my words with care as well that my clients and I think that there was very much an effect of people wanting to have a relief road , but also wanting to have it as far away from themselves a as they could have it .
28 An Indian shawl went around my shoulders and I started toward the door .
29 It 's about 1½ ″ below my shoulders and I am trying to grow it so that I can have a style that 's cut straight across the bottom .
30 And he lifted his head and his eyes saw my eyes and he smiled .
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