Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 Having my breasts removed was having my stigmata removed , the outer visible sign of my inner affliction of inferiority .
2 The person who 's getting their teeth cleaned is nay very nice teeth is it ?
3 Despite many a scratched hand , the official ruling is that any pedigree cat found to have had its claws removed is automatically and unconditionally disqualified from competing .
4 The bewilderment of civilians herded into an armoured personnel carrier when they are ‘ relocated ’ to another village , and their homes destroyed is painfully evident .
5 In addition , many of those who have had their homes repossessed are now being chased by building societies and banks for the short-falls arising after the sale of their homes , many of which are being sold for less than the mortgage owing on them .
6 Having their receptors overstimulated is something people tend to like a lot .
7 The pub at which they had finally arrived and had their pints had been serving up bar meals .
8 His men stopped being paid , and there was nothing to buy with the money they had .
9 Most experimental studies of sleep now allow subjects a night of acclimatization to laboratory conditions , so that on their first night they are wired up in the usual way , but whatever recordings made are discarded , and the experiments proper begin on the second night .
10 I 'm the company secretary , so it was essential that I was there and , as our timetables kept being shifted , I could see Martin looking at me as if to say is she going to make it ?
11 I thought you was gon na say have your veins done is a normal job
12 Unless the bank see new management , Virginia , the company your grandparents established is rapidly going to go down the pan — ’
13 Basically , this means that your sums insured are adjusted each year in line with the rise in the cost of rebuilding and repairs , or of replacing your possessions .
14 Our ongoing channel for keeping our members informed is our newsletter WACContacta , which is published four times a year .
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