Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [be] one " in BNC.

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1 BAF spokesman Tony Ward described him as ‘ the best team manager Britain has had because he felt himself to be one of the athletes ’ , while Liz McColgan said he ‘ was n't just a friend through athletics , he was a personal friend as well ’ .
2 He 'd never exactly believed that his life was charmed youngest in a family of seven in Stoke Newington would have been a damned strange place to start out from if that had been the case — but he 'd never believed himself to be one of life 's victims either .
3 ‘ I have been asked to supply the models and I would like you to be one of them . ’
4 ‘ I bring you because I know you to be one of us . ’
5 The tremolo is an Ibanez Lo-Pro Edge system from the Floyd Rose school and , as licensed Floyds go , the Edge system has proved itself to be one of the best .
6 Lévi-Strauss considers language itself to be one field of communication and the system of exchange and alliance to be ‘ the other field of communication ’ ( Lévi-Strauss 1970 : 496 ) .
7 Picketing in various forms has shown itself to be one of the most effective forms of industrial action .
8 YORK City Council has proved itself to be one of the region 's most innovative local authorities .
9 Thailand prides itself on being one of the easiest places in Asia to do business in .
10 I want this one to be one of the times when it 's not . ’
11 Human tasks and the purposes of task analysis are too varied for there to be one standard procedure for either analysis or description .
12 And from there , oh y these waggons were oh , nothing to be one forty year old .
13 Here I want to draw attention to an article by Beverle Houston , ‘ Viewing television : the metapsychology of endless consumption ’ , which seems to me to be one of the few serious attempts to theorize television subjectivity , and one which deserves more attention .
14 I was thinking that perhaps you could arrange for me to be one of the team .
15 This seemed to me to be one of the most perceptive remarks in the essay , about which some elaboration on his part would be of considerable interest .
16 He still has many supporters , though , among the Western press , who considered him to be one of the few UN bureaucrats with a habit of telling the truth .
17 Believing him to be one of Sitting Bull 's warriors , Looking Glass leapt from his rifle-pit .
18 The Zoo authorities soon recognized that he understood animals and offered to promote him to be one of the keepers .
19 The twenty years which followed showed him to be one of the most remarkable social innovators of his time .
20 She had not liked him very much but she judged him to be one of those unfortunate men who dislike their neighbours even more than they dislike themselves and as such he was to be pitied , plodding on from day to day among his bingo-playing telly-watching parishioners .
21 His actions had caused him to be one of the most reviled prisoners among the white community , and the government had hitherto refused to recognize him as a political prisoner .
22 We are introduced to Imamu in the first sentence of ‘ The Disappearance ’ seeing as he is one of the main characters of the book , but although Boo Radley plays a large part in ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ , I would n't consider him to be one of the main characters and it is not until we are well into chapter one that Boo is first mentioned .
23 She moved into North Yorkshire a few weeks ago from Mulhous Zoo in France with everyone believing her to be one of only eight Lears Macaws in captivity anywhere .
24 They want space and they would expect it to be one of the bigger cars .
25 Bowe 's trainer Eddie Futch , 80 , who 's probably seen more fights than even most men of his age have had hot dinners , expects it to be one of the best he 's been involved with .
26 Although topic work is sometimes justifiably criticised for being shallow and unstructured , I believe it to be one of the most valuable aspects of the primary school curriculum .
27 Aquitaine overflows with riches of many kinds , excelling other parts of the western world to such an extent that historians consider it to be one of the most fortunate and flourishing of the provinces of Gaul .
28 The Collector himself had paid no attention to it , assuming it to be one of the many trivial ailments from which the garrison , deprived of adequate fresh food , was now suffering .
29 The Silver Sabre has restored my confidence and I consider it to be one of the best machines that I have used .
30 The majority of those questioned considered it to be one of the best prospectuses published , easy to use , attractive and informative .
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