Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 People always take me for being drunk .
2 She warned me against noticing only the differences between life in the Indian sub-continent and in England and she warned me about being seduced by the apparent ‘ exoticness ’ of it all .
3 Some of the authors were former activists imprisoned after the Tiananmen Incident who made contacts while in detention and maintained them after being released .
4 For two days running , thousands of commuters had to leave trains to walk along the tracks , some of them after being stranded between stations for six hours .
5 Am I to be mobbed by all these folk for want of an end to their Mystery ?
6 This enabled the movements of Filden I to be monitored closely from the time she left Dieppe .
7 I have relatively high stakes in conformity — I happen to have done fairly well out of it ; I would have a certain amount to lose in terms of reputation were I to be apprehended .
8 Am I to be troubled by a skinny old fool in mirror shades ?
9 ‘ Am I to be dragged halfway across the country in a cart ? ’
10 Am I to be killed in this mysterious attempt to escape ? ’
11 Nevertheless , it clearly would n't do for Karen and I to be seen together immediately afterwards .
12 Who was I to be taking on a contender like Thomas Carter , a management consultant and the owner-occupier of a £500,000 property set in the accessible Arcadia of Boars Hill ?
13 Foreign communities , whether tribal or otherwise , are no more anxious than you or I to be subjected to intensive and embarrassingly close scrutiny by a tiresome stranger whose aims and intentions may be , to say the least , puzzling .
14 Am I to be allowed out of here ? ’
15 ‘ Am I to be allowed to phone for a cab from your apartment ? ’
16 She said in a tone of simple surprise , ‘ Do n't you know that you ca n't love someone without being hurt ? ’
17 By this stage in the Parliament we were deeply unpopular and had allowed ourselves to be painted as a government forcing through doctrinaire policies .
18 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
19 We should never allow ourselves to be swayed by our feelings .
20 After it 's all over , we 'll never allow ourselves to be separated again …
21 In the West , we voluntarily sell out to the alluring God of Materialism and allow ourselves to be manipulated and controlled by Western ideals .
22 By the very act of reading on into the tale from the Miller 's Prologue we as readers allow ourselves to be manipulated into supposing ourselves somehow different from the readership of " " every gentil wight " " that is offered a warning and an invitation to : We know ourselves to be more complex beings .
23 But given its setting , we must not allow ourselves to be blinded by Abraham 's bravery , nor , when we read of the resounding success of his venture , by his military prowess .
24 Immediately we could sense a rough and rather unpleasant atmosphere , but we allowed ourselves to be swept up the steps of the first house into a howling throng of excitable spectators .
25 We allow ourselves to be served by surly shop assistants — and we do n't complain .
26 We 're to blame for the way we allow ourselves to be treated , but curiously the solution does not lie in our hands .
27 As a church do we put ourselves with Jesus on the side of people in need or do we allow ourselves to be paralysed by fear or the temptations of wealth and forget what we would rather not know ?
28 In fact , it may be added , we do not take ourselves to be faced with such an overwhelming task in connection with condition-sets for an effect , and hence for this reason too those sets are wrongly conceived as causal circumstances .
29 By allowing ourselves to be forced to carry these cards for the convenience of the state , we will be acknowledging that we are at the disposition of the state and its computers .
30 So when we listen to music we should allow ourselves to be carried away into the musical paradise .
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