Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He eased me into a role he had only half-consciously cast me for without my noticing it and , by emphasizing the physical attraction I had for him , he made me feel imperative .
2 I think it maybe has to be said that we we picked these figures , not because we wanted to talk about the figures , but simply to use them as for you to hang on to .
3 When he arrived he got talking with someone of about his age , who had also run away from home .
4 I in at my wits ’ end .
5 A friend and I in in our church we 've started erm a mother and toddler service and that seemed to really help a lot of the young mums they really look forward and they said could we have it more often .
6 The woman opposite stuck her feet out too , so Philip pulled his in under his chair .
7 For a moment he saw her as someone outside of himself , another person , a stranger passing in the street with a face blazing with secrets .
8 Anyway , I just said , well , summat about about what I said , I says , yeah , nice to get away from it all , ai n't it , to be by yourself , and that 's all I said , and I think he knew that I I did n't want
9 cos you 've got plenty in for 'em .
10 And one was that this bungalow should be retained completely er by members of the Hosiery Finishers in spite of being a national union which of course has still operated , and secondly , that er nobody should go to this union until er er at least when I 've finished that they should be voted for and they were n't going to impose anybody on this union , they 'd vote for somebody from among their own members , which of course operated and that 's operating now .
11 There are plenty around like me .
12 It 's difficult to judge the especially when the person that you for by someone just popping round and picking something up and they stay for ages , and they did n't know I was taping and then something clicked up in the middle of it .
13 Well I was just actually gon na ask you about about what you did afore it .
14 I ca n't tell you what 's she like with him !
15 Old Wine Shop , hold on a second Steve 's actually free , let me er , let me put you across to him , hold on .
16 The question is Keith , from my committee , where the hell were you at in our hour of need ?
17 and and she said something about through her interest in North American Indians she 'd written this novel .
18 And they 'd bought this mortgage and their repayment was something like about I du n no a hundred and eighty pound a month .
19 Oh they 're nice car , oh there 's a nice one with on it .
20 But it grew and grew , like a great impossible wave gathering , till she knew it must be something from outside herself ; she heard her voice crying words of some kind , as if impelled .
21 ‘ Ah , ’ said Mrs Wright , pulling something from behind her .
22 With the other hand as he kissed her this chaste cool kiss , he reached back and shook free something from behind his neck .
23 Bandit country , ’ said the big one from behind us .
24 People strove to be free of Nature , seeing it as something outside of themselves .
25 I have also purchased a monograph of Parrots from a Mr Lear — When you and I are old men — how pleasing it will be to us to look at these together to quiz them all , and pass our We to upon them !
26 Not really , it does n't annoy me but I know there are some like women older than me in in my office that know they 're not gon na get anywhere because it 's all men .
27 So when my father had to leave in the summer he thought fit to send me here to my lord Isambard , to keep me from under my brother 's feet until Isabel 's safely wed .
28 Doone looked at me from under his eyelids .
29 One of the porters beamed at me from under his large straw hat .
30 Anyway , there I was , going up this endless corridor , thinking what to do about the mother , who blamed herself — wi' reason mind you , she was one of those soft suckering witch-women , but that made it worse , not better — and there was th' trolley wi' the dead girl on it , sliding by me — sheet right over , porters in those soft theatre boots and floppy plastic bathcaps — and when they 'd got past me and were turning i n't door , the first one looked at me from under his plastic frills like , with my own face .
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