Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh Lord who to see that all the world , we thank thee for those who fought and those who laid down their lives in the cause of righteousness and freedom .
2 DESPAIRING factory owner Michael Whitehead looked back on 18 years of ‘ bloody hard work ’ last night and said : ‘ I 've got nothing for all my graft . ’
3 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
4 ‘ Aberdeen 's strength of resolve in defence was what carried them through that one , ’ he said .
5 Yeah , Myra Hindley , who 's another one in n it , you know , off we go , if I do n't praise God and you know God it 'll , he 'll forgive me for all my sins , bollocks , in it ?
6 Er but nobody could tell me for certain what it was that they intended to use it for , er but it was apparently not guaranteed that it would continue to be used er as a market hall .
7 You need me for this one . ’
8 And he never forgive me for this you see because he were a big noise you know , he he 'd got a big business in .
9 And that was a , that was a good er I did n't know nothing about that you know until they er gave me .
10 Yeah , well you then just go and change them for that one drawing !
11 Much as their fans loved them for all their quirks , the aesthetics and comfort of a ground did not cross the mind of many football directors .
12 Never a word of thanks from any of them for all we 've done .
13 I mean there might be millions of them for all we know , but we ca n't find them using our system of maths , cos ours does not allow division by zero .
14 GILLIAN said how could we separate the two , because where did grammar come from if not from grammarians , and almost all grammarians — probably every single one of them for all she knew — were men , so what did we expect ; but mainly she was talking common sense .
15 Yes , er , I have them for those who received that incorrect information from me , I must apologise erm young people who are going as delegates as representatives of their district must be treated as adult representatives and they have to pay full price .
16 Tell me about that what you used to take them in .
17 erm Tell me about that one first of all .
18 Joanne told me about that you
19 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
20 But how could she admit to them after all she 'd said ?
21 The whites , whom after all he represents , must be reassured that their interests will not be sacrificed .
22 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
23 When you love someone like that you want to say goodbye . ’
24 Mm , mm , that sounds a possibility , I think , I think it is interesting to have someone like that you know
25 In 2 Corinthians 10:12 he says , ‘ We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves .
26 Sir , may I in particular you sir , thank you for the unfailing good humour with which you have conducted this enquiry .
27 He had n't been so pleased to see someone in all his life .
28 We could put ourselves in three lots of two and your mum came in with the three pizzas we 'd get one between us so we get a half .
29 Because you know him who is from the beginning , I to young you young men , because you have overcome the evil one .
30 I have always felt that on these policy study groups we must avoid restricting ourselves to those who are already fully committed politically to the Conservative Party .
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