Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] or have " in BNC.

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1 Many schools declined to take part in the survey , however , for a variety of reasons : pressure of work , involvement in too many recent research projects and in some cases because , despite the LEA schedule , they had either not yet started on their review or had made only minimal progress .
2 He may , for example , have broken into her home or have violently assaulted her before attempting to have sexual intercourse .
3 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
4 Was it her imagination or had the crowd surrounding her gone unusually quiet as Rune lifted the instrument to his lips ?
5 Was it her imagination or had his grip on her shoulder grown less tight ?
6 Many teachers , whose schools had been early in the reporting cycle , also said that they had considerable difficulty in remembering their review and its outcome or had been so little involved that they felt unable to say much about it .
7 This has proved itself with divers who have vomited in their mask or had mechanical failures and have had to remove their mask .
8 Erm I 've already talked about there are over two hundred front end tools which access or have integration with the database .
9 The remedies of the homoeopathic materia medica have not , as has happened to their orthodox counterparts , had to be abandoned , as one after another they have lost their efficacy or have been shown to be too toxic to be used safely .
10 She then tested his creativity by asking him to write down all the things he could do with various objects such as a brick or a shoe , and all the things that would happen if certain events suddenly occurred , such as everyone in the world losing their sight or having to walk on all fours .
11 It is useless trying to co-operate with people who can not keep their word or have any intention of keeping it .
12 Once , there must have been a single core-vessel which had lost its way or had lost the use of its warp-vanes so that it could no longer jump back into truespace .
13 Anthony Tory , who misses the ride on Docklands Express , is believed to have pulled a muscle in the back of his neck or to have displaced some vertebrae .
14 Just sacked , or rather resigned , with all that money " ; of course , the obvious thing to do would be go home to his room or to have a drink .
15 The performance of modern gliders makes it much easier and more likely for a pilot to fly himself into a potential death trap unless he uses his imagination or has already learned to have a healthy respect for the elements .
16 ‘ ( 3 ) A person who has been released on bail in criminal proceedings and is under a duty to surrender into the custody of a court may be arrested without warrant by a constable — ( a ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is not likely to surrender to custody ; ( b ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is likely to break any of the conditions of his bail or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that that person has broken any of those conditions ; or … ( 4 ) A person arrested in pursuance of subsection ( 3 ) above — ( a ) shall , except where he was arrested within 24 hours of the time appointed for him to surrender to custody , be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest before a justice of the peace for the petty sessions area in which he was arrested ; and ( b ) in the said excepted case shall be brought before the court at which he was to have surrendered to custody .
17 The owner of a design right is the designer unless he creates the design in the course of his employment or has been commissioned to create it .
18 They were at rest just now , as if Daine were pausing in his expansion or had met some unforeseen check .
19 If you 'd like further details on our programme or have any requests of your own that you would like us to research , please help us by filling in the coupon .
20 ‘ God Almighty , have you gone off your head or has he ?
21 ( Of course , I am assuming that you have learned your part , know what you want to say to your audience or have done your revision . )
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