Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] or [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 That you do n't take it upon yourself to plead my case or to point an accusing finger at Sandra . ’
2 Because of the way in which my visit to the judges and the prison was arranged , I am quite confident that no ‘ set-piece ’ situations or activities had been organized just for my benefit or to create a more favourable impression of the judicial system or the detention centre .
3 He threw me across the front seat , and the choir applauded — whether this was for my benefit or to register approval for Quigley 's strong right arm was not clear .
4 I 'm not ashamed to own my Lord or to defend his cause maintain the honour of his word , the glory of his cross !
5 Mary telephoned the therapist 2 months later because she felt unable to decide whether to return to her ex-husband or to stay with her boyfriend .
6 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
7 Sufferers and families need to be able to walk to the main services in their neighbourhood or to catch a bus into a local centre no more than a mile or two away .
8 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
9 She also had severe perceptual problems and found it hard to recognize the different parts of her body or to know where objects were in relation to herself .
10 She had recently found that she was waking with the dawn — or even slightly earlier — and she used the opportunity either to keep up with her journal or to rough out a column for J. D. O'Connor who grew increasingly pleased with her work .
11 As the majority of the latter are either Moslem , Sikh or Hindu , it is understandable that the Church has encountered severe problems in trying to communicate her message , either with a view to attracting them into her fellowship or to see the significance of the gospel of Jesus Christ within their own cultural context .
12 Nothing had happened to sour their relationship or to lead her to have negative feelings about him .
13 Hardest hit are those who can not afford either to service their loan or to sell their house .
14 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
15 Lipstick stubs were mixed with oil or cream to extend their life or to make creme rouge .
16 More , shareholders would have been able to dispose of shares whether in order to spend their capital or to buy into more profitable businesses , thus creating a speculative stock market .
17 More conservative views of the ‘ corporate bias ’ in liberal democracies ( Middlemas , 1979 ) are happy to see such arrangements integrate and discipline the working class , but disturbed if labour movements are better able to redistribute income in their favour or to create disruption in economic life .
18 The latter question has arisen where young girls have been invited to submit to acts in order to train their voice or to improve their breathing — unbeknown to them , the act which they were permitting was sexual intercourse .
19 Some may choose to neglect their health or to trade it for the freedom to do other things , as does the business executive who opts for a stressful way of life in pursuit of material success .
20 ‘ the simple facts which the court has to find are whether the defendant 's conduct in fact prevented the police from carrying out their duty , or made it more difficult for them to do so , and whether the defendant intended that conduct to prevent the police from carrying out their duty or to make it more difficult to do so . ’
21 This , of course , is the mechanism of the consensus process : the expanding firm is persuaded either to delay its application or to accept a delayed approval .
22 Potential lenders will seek to influence the financial structure of the project to minimize their risk or to maximize their return .
23 God had n't fully maintained His help to keep condescension from her tone or to prepare her for the answer when it came : ‘ Yes , I went to school , ma'am .
24 And I understood from the hospital where Mrs Ross has been a patient that before she was admitted enquiries were made and you wrote back — supposedly in your wife 's absence — saying you had no idea where your wife was and you did not want to hear about her mother or to see her . ’
25 Among the appellants assisted by Hunt was George Wiltshire , " for to find him labour or to relieve him " .
26 He will actually be able to hear any noises which may occur — a telephone ringing or the traffic in the road outside — but those noises are unlikely to impinge on his consciousness or to interrupt his train of thought .
27 Anthony Tory , who misses the ride on Docklands Express , is believed to have pulled a muscle in the back of his neck or to have displaced some vertebrae .
28 Yesterday evening we had a courtesy visit to our rooms from Comrade Wong , Vice-Chairman of the Institute 's Revolutionary Committee , Comrade Chang our cadre organizer , and the luckless Comrade Interpreter Wong , who spent the whole time interpreting , so that he did n't even have a chance to drink his tea or to eat a biscuit .
29 He had done so four years before , and nothing had happened in the meantime either to abate his ambition or to make him less qualified — in the latter case very much the reverse .
30 It could be argued that this was a violation of the satyāgrahi 's moral duty not to coerce his opponent or to take advantage of his weakness and vulnerability .
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