Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] always [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 My heart always jumped with fright whenever I saw one of my poems in print , because I was sure it would contain one of the misprints whose steady drizzle has haunted my work all my life .
2 My sister always had her own trendy style ; ever since we were little I 've been aware that she was prettier than me , but she is unassuming and unaware of it .
3 All through my childhood , my body always seemed to be going numb .
4 Mrs Lynn , also in her eighties , of Wisbech , Cambs , said : ‘ My husband always knew it was special . ’
5 ‘ He said my husband always came on to the site wearing dark glasses , ’ Jean says .
6 What with piles of ironing ( this was during my disorganised period ) , mountains of books ( I refuse to be parted from them ) , and various bric-a-brac , my flat always looked like a junkyard .
7 ‘ But my father always taught me never to be afraid of pointing out the obvious .
8 As he never married and had no relations apart from us and one other person , my father always hoped we would inherit uncle John 's money .
9 ‘ Such a strange-looking man , I 've always thought … khikhikhi … my father always told me not to trust men with beards .
10 He had had dealings with Eddie 's family , and as Eddie says : ‘ My father always said you was a smart man . ’
11 My father always did the fires , the garden , and cleaning the gas stove , as well as the usual maintenance jobs and the accounts ; and my mother always did the washing and ironing — among other things — and , of course , the shop .
12 My career always came first .
13 When I enquired if it was Miss or Mrs Hauxwell , she said , ‘ Oh no , no , no — Miss by name and Miss by nature , that 's what my uncle always said ’ .
14 ‘ And neither would I , ’ my Ma always said .
15 My dad always brought me up saying you never lay a finger on a woman , never ever .
16 My dad always said it was for when I got married .
17 Detestable stuff , but my Dad always insisted that we had an egg cup full , once a week .
18 My son always had dolls and his favourite toy is a doll 's house .
19 My family always said your family
20 ‘ Two verses my brother always quoted : Apocalypse Six , Vase Eight and Genesis Three , Verse One . ’
21 My mother always told me to put on clean underwear in case I got knocked over and taken to hospital , but the possibility that someone 's drunken wife might decide to revenge herself on her husband by going down on me was not a scenario we had ever discussed .
22 My mother always collected the mail . ’
23 My father always did the fires , the garden , and cleaning the gas stove , as well as the usual maintenance jobs and the accounts ; and my mother always did the washing and ironing — among other things — and , of course , the shop .
24 My mother always reckoned I 'd end up either in prison or in parliament . ’
25 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
26 Her action always embarrassed him , but as it was unobtrusive he doubted if anyone else noticed it .
27 Their ambition always exceeded their grasp .
28 Her bedroom always felt too big at night .
29 Besides these photographs were Pedro 's polo helmet , which now had a map of the Malvinas stamped on the front ( which Angel always wore in matches ) , and a jar of earth he 'd dug up from the Islands on the day he 'd been sent home as a prisoner of war .
30 Her father always swore while he drank the stuff , claiming to have been raised on real coffee before the CAC stopped exporting from Nicaragua , but she never understood his complaints .
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