Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] from their " in BNC.

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1 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
2 ‘ Seven days after my departure from their dwelling heavy rains suddenly set in ; the mountain-streams selled into foaming torrents , filling the deep gullies ; the rivers rose , some to the height of forty feet , bearing all before them .
3 Whatever the reasons for their change from their nautiloid ancestors , the ammonoids were an enormously successful group : thousands of different species have been described , and their variety is so bewildering that many specialists devote their lives to studying only the ammonoids of a particular , short time period .
4 and then , they , how they 've got their money from their own blood , not everything up there you know
5 In the latter case , an exact equivalent to grammar in linguistics is unlikely to be found , since , as noted earlier , objects gain their effect from their comparative lack of abstraction and the various bridging functions they can thereby perform .
6 I I 'm not against I ca n't be against the right of a c of a member of parliament to withhold their vote from their government .
7 For him , the auto-erotic experiences of little boys or girls are not very different , as boys find their pleasure from their penis , girls from the clitoris .
8 It insisted on calling a separate meeting for the kolkhoz women , so as to persuade them of their independence from their menfolk .
9 Following Syrian intervention Hobeika started to hand over his positions to Geaga 's fighters on Nov. 23 , and by Dec. 3 the LF forces had completed their withdrawal from their Ashrafiyeh stronghold to the Maronite hinterland of Kesrouan , north of greater Beirut .
10 What would her own stepchildren say to her divorce from their father ?
11 A major reason for this is that the high productivity of fully automated plants satisfies the basic consumption needs of workers but , instead of this leading to a high level of satisfaction , workers freed from the immediate concern of making ends meet are then able to pose what Mallet takes to be the more fundamental problem of their alienation from their work .
12 The selfless pilots of Islam , on their return from their victorious mission , hit and shot down two enemy helicopters in the region .
13 The theme I am looking at in this study is that of the illicit passions of married women and their escape from their places in society .
14 We tested chickens by restraining them gently for 15 seconds and then timing their recovery from their trance .
15 In the wake of the agreement , Greenpeace is to withdraw its team from their base on Ross Island .
16 Because the determination of the people erm is erm still great to erm win their war from their point of view , as a gentleman earlier was saying that erm had erm had Arabic experience .
17 What happens to them on their retirement from their working life ?
18 As more people arrived to help , the Wapping Post became a focus for the ‘ refusenik ’ journalists , who got their nickname from their refusal to go to Wapping .
19 A YOUNG mother burned to death in a vain attempt to rescue her toddler from their blazing home .
20 If one considers hierarchical assemblies in general , their evolution from their constituents is far more likely if they consist of relatively stable sub-assemblies which themselves are evolutionary products of an earlier period .
21 We shall then be able to tell a shortfall from a short fall , a blackguard from a black guard , their funnybone from their funny bone , and babies that are stillborn from those still born .
22 MISLEADINGLY TAKING its title from their latest long-player , The Reality Of My Surroundings is a dazzling history of Fishbone 's seven-year career .
23 Some artists separate their art from their lives , some are articulate about their aims , others are gruffly evasive .
24 Yet Raine had not stolen their father from their mother — his first wife , Frances , had left years ago .
25 Police began their inquiry after an unmarried woman was arrested near Thirsk after travelling with her daughter from their home in Hinckley , Leics .
26 If we wish children to develop awareness and sensitivity , Art and Nature must ramify their schooling from their early days .
27 The stage is now set for the introduction of money as the relational element between goods : ‘ Money is the reification of the general form of existence according to which things derive their significance from their relationship to each other ’ ( 1978 : 128 ) .
28 The servants at the house were mostly foreigners who did n't know their arse from their elbow , as Morgan put it to himself .
29 They do n't appear to know their arse from their elbow , are neither sinister nor sugary , and even their ‘ rockin' ’ version of Barry Manilow 's ‘ Mandy ’ is really a homage to the Lemonheads and Teenage Fanclub , two bands who really know how to ruin a good song .
30 Just because some of them do n't know their arse from their elbow does n't mean that we 're not bringing the whole thing under control . ’
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