Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [noun prp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My sister Ann she 's delivered a couple of children herself .
2 Oh my goodness John I do n't know who you 're gon na interview the national treasury
3 Whatever the reason may be , I grew up with that mystical attraction which has ended by my making Germany my permanent home .
4 I told my friend Bridget it was up to us to keep watch .
5 It was my friend Nellie who lived in the yard next to ours .
6 But I , I do n't know whether Dave has , I mean you see my friend Pam whose husband Steve is an airline pilot she knows quite a bit about this because Steve was an illegitimate child in London , in West Ham .
7 And my mum yeah and she 's going , Oh my god Alex you okay ?
8 My colleague Mr who is closer to the ground reminds me that I think there was a small provision in the first half .
9 I mean that , I was telling my mate Cheryl they come to the funeral , he ai n't fucking shown
10 My daughter Agnes your intentions must be honourable . ’
11 Uncle Ern said to my cousin Jim who was some six years older than me , ‘ Why do n't you go and get that old box of fag cards for Arthur . ’
12 I held my son Hassan who was 40 days old and the small children carried the other babies .
13 My brother Glen he 's always trying to s fix up the sitting room
14 There was my brother Dermot who died in 1986 .
15 It it was all cut with a scythe until er well I started I go to Holland to work when I was fourteen and my brother Charlie he got away and my father and mother was left they were home .
16 On the empress 's death in 1796 , her successor Paul I dismissed Cameron from his post at Tsarskoe Selo , and deprived him of his house there .
17 When Diana started to learn piano , any progress she made was always dwarfed by the achievements of her grandmother , Ruth , Lady Fermoy , who had performed at the Royal Albert Hall in front of the Queen Mother , and her sister Sarah who studied piano at a conservatoire in Vienna following her abrupt departure from West Heath .
18 The main reason for the move is to team up with her sister Debbie who 's the club pro at the Thame Racquets and Fitness Centre .
19 Upper and North Halling were served by her sister Ella who drove a horse drawn milk float , not unlike a chariot of old .
20 They would be from Canada , from her sister Louise who would suggest that she might put up various old acquaintances passing through London , or find a suitable family for a darling Austrian boy , not so very much older than Martha , whose father was a kind of Count , but was also in the import-export business , or try to recall a splendid person , the friend of a friend of hers who had had a very , very sad story .
21 Sally Taylor and her sister Mary who was at the birth told the coroner they throught obstetrician Mr Euan Laird was straining …
22 However , when he attacked her husband Arthur she protested and , in front of witnesses , Peace threatened her with a gun .
23 Both had gone inside but it was her husband Bailey who set the fire .
24 He will know the traditional way to announce titles , that Mr and Mrs John Smith are husband and wife , Mrs John Smith is without her husband John who is away on business , Mrs Anne Smith is a widow , or that Mr John Smith and Mrs Anne Smith are the elderly aunt and uncle , brother and sister , not married to each other .
25 According to Lord Deedes , and her husband John who now only plays off 6-handicap , she continues to do the dishes with Fairy liquid and is only mildly interested that tabloid writers are concerned about the injured wrist of Nick Faldo , which threatens to dictate sports pages throughout 1991 .
26 She told her husband Derek she did n't mind going when her number was up , but she wanted to go in the saddle
27 Well it might have been her elbow Christine you must n't be
28 Elaine a retired civil servant who had worked all her life , felt she made a mistake in retiring at the same time as her friend Louise who had always opted out of the cooking and cleaning in favour of gardening and doing the decorating .
29 The band , tipped to win an award for their video Friday I 'm In Love , were forced to cancel a planned satellite link-up from London to LA at the last minute .
30 It is possible to travel to almost any country within a day 's journey , yet when the mother of Jesus travelled a day 's journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth she probably managed only a dozen or so miles .
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