Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It also gives them protection as they venture across the open plains of sand , where there are no hiding places .
2 But it took 5 months to find them accomodation after she was told to …
3 I was on two bags a day when I went to see me GP and I was on between a quarter and half a gram when I got to the hospital .
4 Eh , first of all they give them champagne so they all get caught drinking and driving ,
5 ‘ Silas is still longing to go to bed with me , so you can wish me luck that I 'll get him there eventually — but in the right circumstances , of course . ’
6 The second time I tried to come off was when I went to stay with me sister and I took her DFs and just stayed in , y'know .
7 My own muvver swears worse than me farvver when she gets upset , an' 'e 's a docker .
8 The fans were right to give me stick but they 've been good to me and it 's great to come off to a reception like that . ’
9 Me mum and me dad are separated , like , and me dad reads The Sun .
10 The pain did , in fact , return the next day , but this experience had given me hope so I persevered with the lessons and now I am free of the pain for at least 95 per cent of the time .
11 In the end I remember I said to him that I was just a spoilt Yank and my father sent me money so he need n't worry about a thing .
12 Well , it began with just when I got me money each week , 'cos I had a job , a weekend job with me uncle and I 'd get me money and I 'd just go out and score , get a coupla bags or something and then me mates 'd come round here and say , ‘ Can I do a smoke in here ? ’ , y'know , and so they would and they 'd give me a smoke for coming in here and eventually it started getting , like , from weeks , from weekends to days , becoming every day , like .
13 All the horrid people who would n't give me money when I was collecting .
14 It would be nice to think that this is allowed , that children are allowed to play out their fears and their feelings erm but I do believe it 's when they 're young that we need to start building up this self esteem and , you know , giving them permission if you like to talk quite comfortably about emotions .
15 I 've seem them play and they 're not a bad team .
16 And like my parents sort of went , the thought that they gave them money that we had for it , yeah
17 it does to get them money because they can sell that and then go and get the , the drug they re , they require theirself .
18 Bring them tea while they copulated ?
19 Well , I 'd just been paid , so there was no problems about me having money to score , so I think I 'd just set me mind that I wanted to sort meself out once and for good .
20 I got to admit I did n't pop over just to offer yer some neighbourly 'elp , it was on me mind while I was there to touch you for the loan of a bob .
21 Oh ’ — he jerked his big head to the side — ‘ I never open me mouth but I say something . ’
22 ‘ Stephen probably saved my life , and certainly saved my sanity because I was one sad lady , ’ says Barbara , referring to her traumatic divorce from Ronnie Knight , who was cleared of a murder charge and then deserted her for another woman .
23 I have to agree with my good-sister that it was exceptional . ’
24 ‘ My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour because he has looked upon his lowly handmaid Yes , from this day forward all generations will call me blessed for the Almighty has done great things for me .
25 Would you please fetch me a towel and my cloak before I turn into an iceberg ? ’
26 Dinner parties are my dread but I go to them because my wife , Eileen , enjoys them .
27 He lets me have my freedom and he 's everything the other boys ca n't be .
28 ‘ And I suppose I earn my freedom if I win ? ’ said Rincewind , without much hope .
29 Yeah well I I remember it was more a it was more or less like a feeling of physical revulsion er I felt erm on occasions like that , partly because of the person but partly because it was a bit of an imposition on on my on my intimacy as it were y'know erm so er
30 I did n't have to stand up and tell the whole truth of my heart unless I wanted to .
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