Example sentences of "[pron] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But to show the pressure means nothing the Smailes money will be matched by an equal amount from here .
2 ‘ Oh but look here , does n't someone show me round — show me the ropes sort of thing ? ’
3 Give me the phone number so that Helen can pass on any message that might come in . ’
4 ‘ Get me the Charlton file , will you ?
5 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
6 If you ever feel uncomfortable , please tell me or show me the stop sigh .
7 Now get me the turtle soup . ’
8 ‘ Get me the Penzance office of Eurotravel , please . ’
9 ‘ Quickly , give me the xarkon stone .
10 It sold more than a million copies in Britain alone and won me the Billboard award for best singer/songwriter in America .
11 She was tellin' me the ovver day she wants Fred ter try an' get that empty 'ouse next door ter make the place bigger .
12 Can you get me the flan tin down there
13 If you could show me the way out-
14 can you give me the case reference ?
15 Oi will you give me the question sheet , I need it !
16 He mentioned also that " The inhabitants of the town have been so good as to rebuild me the Court wall and make some improvements in the yard , and they are very desirous for the Company to lend their aid " .
17 Then get me the Home Office . "
18 Okay , you 're twenty pounds over , you owe them , you owe me the building society , twenty pounds .
19 It did n't help when Lecky the cook said , ‘ Gim me the cube rights-
20 honey give me the midday paper please dear
21 give me the midday paper
22 Yes Jane it has , as luck would have it I was late arriving , had to run through the rain , ran into the main stand and by pure accident ran into the Oxford United dressing room and there was Brian Horton , he said ‘ Hallo Mick , hows the poster Mickey ’ as he always does , and in fact he gave me the team news and that is — Ian Walker makes his senior debut tonight with both Alan injured , also two other changes ; Jackson comes in for Gary Smart and one surprising one , Steve McLaren for Mark Steen .
23 ‘ Get me the Excelsior hotel , will you … no , I 'll hang on …
24 He knew somehow that I was dealing with this section and gave me the serial number of a wagon and told me not to go anywhere near it .
25 Listen , if you 've finished waving it about , give me the pistol back .
26 Amidst the usual panic that surrounds such occasions , I tried to keep calm and asked Mother to hand me the landing net .
27 He had already sent me the Strachey book , The Theory and Practice of Marxism , and Spender 's , the original title of which was The Approach to Communism , seemed to me to go with it very well .
28 To test me the Bārakote king made me
29 I still have n't heard back from the young lady who sent me the Valentine card ; did you really mean it ?
30 Well save me the bath water please .
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