Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] even [art] " in BNC.

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1 No-one with even a passing knowledge of tax would doubt that it is now one of the most complex areas of an accountant 's work .
2 But there 's something in even the very best of us which would really prefer to take the easy way out , if that 's at all possible .
3 It does rather spoil the fun , though , when the spoof is too obvious — the one in the 31 March issue was so obviously naive and reckless in its content that it could not possibly have fooled anybody with even a grain of sense .
4 ‘ Sacked me without even a bonus , ’ she complained .
5 The King had settled himself into such a groove of petulant determination that there was no question of the rejection of the bargain deflecting him for even a few days .
6 She was n't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing she dared not be alone with him for even a few minutes .
7 He studied her warrant card intently , as though there might be some real doubt about her identity , and then returned it to her without even the glimmer of a smile .
8 McAllister , still beset by that strange mixture of desire and fear which gripped her whenever he began to make love to her at even the lightest level , found herself shivering , but allowed him to continue , and when the next kiss found her lips she responded to him , timidly , it was true , but still a response .
9 Well I seen her at even the other day .
10 But as always I was wary of contradicting him , not wanting to antagonize him by even the slightest show of disagreement in case he left me .
11 Of course , on any theory , the ceremony by which he had been invested conformed to no canonical rules of election or investiture , and it is astonishing — or rather , it would be astonishing in anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Canon Law — that among all his other objections , Anselm never mentioned the defective procedure as a reason for refusing the office .
12 Yet even this would be disputed by a Davidsonian who insisted on the primacy of a language of identity , reference and quantification before crediting anyone with even the general notion of an object .
13 There may be as many as two hundred hairs per square millimetre , giving the cat an excellent fur coat that can protect it from even the most severe night air .
14 Stok drained it without even a pause to say thanks .
15 Doctors protect themselves against even the remote possibility of failing to spot a disease and being sued for it by sending their patients for every test in the book .
16 Merchant princes did not forget their native towns and counties and the people there who might want for the means of providing themselves with even the most basic tools of their trade .
17 For two and a half years they watched their comrades in Spain slowly strangled , and never aided them by even a single strike .
18 Anything with even a modest smack of hops dries the palate ready for the next one .
19 You must be careful not to unconsciously touch anything with even the gloves .
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