Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] if you " in BNC.

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1 What the bloody hell did you go an' marry me for if you wanted to go to London ?
2 ‘ Does n't sound to me as if you made it up , ’ Culley said .
3 It sounds to me as if you all need a jolly good thrashing .
4 And it looks to me as if you do , too ? ’
5 ‘ And when you could n't get rid of me you worked on me as if you were working gold , moulding me to what you wanted — a malleable piece of property worth a fortune , sitting nicely in the palm of your hand . ’
6 Do n't think you can barge in here harassing me like this , ’ she snapped , ‘ shooting questions at me as if you were taking part in a firing squad . ’
7 ‘ It sounded to me as if you were doing all right .
8 ‘ Because when you came out of that theatre party , despite singing our song so wonderfully , you looked at me as if you did n't know me . ’
9 And it looks to me as if you two lovely people were just made for each other ! ’
10 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
11 Oh , it sounds to me as if you miss the days when there was a bit more action on ,
12 Take stairs rather than lifts or escalators ; do not trudge up them as if you were mounting Everest but go as briskly as you can .
13 I 'll just tell you about if you have it splitting .
14 Franca , sweetheart , I bless you , I worship you , you have a great soul , I feel I could serve you as if you were God — ’
15 You signed up for tennis lessons ( out comes the shorty tennis skirt , a volley of wolf-whistles from the labourers outside , and off to the courts where the horrid male instructor drills you as if you 're in the Green Berets ) .
16 ‘ People tend at first to treat you as if you 're a journalist looking for Guinness connections . ’
17 He knew how to look at you as if you were the only person who 'd ever interested him .
18 I have cared for you as if you were my own family ! ’
19 At Liverpool clubs , the toilets are full of catsuited girls who look at you as if you 're rumoured to be a child molester .
20 People look at you as if you 'd said you had plague .
21 And remember , any document you sign abroad is as legally binding for you as if you signed it at home .
22 A middle-aged building worker who arrived at the palace — his first time in such a place — after his marriage had broken up , said , " I was a little bit disgusted , they do n't treat you as if you were just unemployed , they treat you like a person who has just crawled out of the gutter . "
23 ‘ Though I know the Princesse loves you as if you were her own child .
24 They just ignore you as if you 're not there .
25 Said you were top brass and that I could talk to you as if you were the Commissioner himself . "
26 Usually one who is a professional teacher is not ideal — he/she may have very set ideas on how to teach , which may not meet your needs , and he/she may teach you as if you were a child .
27 ‘ Now you know how I felt every time I saw you with Adam , hugging him to you as if you were a bosom friend .
28 A tall , prematurely white-haired man in a navy blue suit , with eyes that could focus on you as if you were a fly that had settled on a distant door-knob , he could dominate a large room while seated behind a desk at one end of it and without raising his voice above a conversational level .
29 Er they take you into the office , tell you to sit down , and they look at you as if you 're a little schoolboy .
30 Gerald will start , er , and he will talk to you as if you were a potential client , but so he can actually relate it to somebody , he 'll choose one of you .
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