Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [v-ing] she " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly she was angry with everyone for involving her in all this .
2 Abruptly she looked away , hating him , hating herself , hating everyone for putting her in this horribly vulnerable position .
3 I was summoned to the matron ( the then equivalent of director of nursing services ) who thanked me for telling her , but asked whether I was aware that the consultant was the most senior in the faculty , and probably one of the world 's most eminent ?
4 ‘ Mr Edgar will blame me for letting her go to your house . ’
5 Can you not see what erm er this woman fainted into my arms and she was embracing me for letting her not take her fall .
6 And then she even thanked them for helping her .
7 The Duchess of York , in the region to visit one of her favourite charities , has thanked THEM for supporting her .
8 There are other delicious gestures drawing attention to the feet in La Fille Mal Gardée such as Mother Simone gently tapping her clogs as if thanking them for allowing her to show off her particular style of dance .
9 Speaking as the operation began , Mr Barnett thanked the person who gave permission for the donation : ‘ I know that Aisling , even if she does not survive , would want me to express my eternal gratitude to them for giving her the chance to live . ’
10 Julia let them haul her up and stuff extra pillows behind her head , but the pain sharpened and she was hard put to it not to swear at them for hurting her .
11 ‘ You have accused me of attacking you , are you also going to suspect me of killing her ? ’
12 Rage at her , at himself for wanting her , at a war that had turned her into his enemy .
13 He blamed himself for crediting her with a maturity she did not possess , and regretted that his attempts to assist her studies had been so tragically misinterpreted by her .
14 He went bounding up the stairs , three or four at a time , praying to himself the room had n't been taken over by some amorous couple while he 'd been away , cursing himself for doubting her .
15 He had n't been able to prevent himself from catching her when she fell , and now the feel of her , cradled helplessly against his chest , sent shafts of agony through him .
16 Yet as he had committed himself to bringing her up here , so Ashley felt stubbornly committed to walking .
17 He comforted himself by watching her on television .
18 Rune , having obeyed her command , was sitting motionless , contenting himself by regarding her steadily through half-closed eyes .
19 It had been born of an instinctive recognition of the damage he could do to her emotional independence and , paradoxically , exacerbated by the way he had deprived her of himself by having her dismissed from that job ; finally there had been his open contempt when they had met again …
20 She exacerbates all his old anxieties and feelings of ambivalence towards ‘ mothers ’ , and because he can not cope , he defends himself by ignoring her as far as possible .
21 ‘ Presumably she wishes to thank you for assisting her yesterday , after her accident . ’
22 ‘ Thank you for guarding her . ’
23 ‘ If she 's so keen to save a spot of money then she wo n't thank you for cheating her of eight grand . ’
24 And do it now rather than them pounce on you later and accuse you of hidin' her .
25 ‘ And is it that sublime confidence in yourself that prevents you from marrying her ?
26 When faced with one ‘ old boy type ’ executive' who on meeting her with a view to beginning an assignment declared that there was no place for women in his business , she announced that as he was obviously only looking for someone just like himself , he could do that better than she could .
27 She wants to be Violet Elizabeth Bott ; the screeching , lithping , secretly smart brat who hung around with the nice-but-dim lads until she annoyed them into letting her join the band .
28 The woman was more concerned with gathering evidence for her divorce than with the truth , and she was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her .
29 It was something about wishing she had the power to control conversations .
30 That is what frightens me and stops me from telling her .
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