Example sentences of "[pron] [num ord] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 To dwell on the Caledonian Canal for a moment , this was my first of many passages through which is for me the most beautiful of all the canals — the ultimate in inland waterways , so I had been looking forward to it immensely .
2 I earn my first of these by commenting that there were a few raised eyebrows when his peerage was announced last June .
3 Se , we need someone first of all to save us from our sin .
4 If , as the sub who wrote the title suggests , there is another side to the truth , then we would be happy I first of all , and then those who admire Manzoni to see reliable and contemporary documents which prove it .
5 Can I first of all nail this health thing because er , near the start Anne said that th th , the court is still our , opinion is still divided on just how bad for you , for instance , passive smoking is .
6 When I came home the sun was shining brilliantly and warmly into the front of the house so I first of all had a read about the similar groups and then had a quick and short snooze till the phone rang and I began work on the laptop in the sunshine , as the battery capacity lasts about an hour or so .
7 May I first of all welcome aspects of the outcome of the Maastricht Council , including the strong statement against racism , the reaffirmation of policy on the middle east , the commitment to the enlargement of the Community , the statement on the republics of the Soviet Union , and , of course , the statement on Libya as a host Government for terrorism ?
8 Can I first of all congratulate my colleague Graham , Graham on his measured speech , he 's certainly given us many things to , to think about and things that should be investigated .
9 Erm , could I could I first of all start with some of the remarks made by the honourable member for Nottingham North .
10 Well at various times in my life I 've come back to Kingston and I first of all used to see peo girls who were at school with me .
11 Can I first of all thank er Mr for his er his concern about my having to er deal with new young members .
12 Chairman , may I first of all declare an interest in this .
13 It was , however , after Palace had acquired Cliff Holton and Dickie Dowsett that we saw Allen at his vintage best , spraying the passes and plying the crosses from which those big fellows scored the goals which first of all kept us in Division Three , and then took us up to the 2nd Division in 1963–64 .
14 What the , I believe committees have never had and least of all Mr papers produced on behalf of Mr have never had a serious rigorous objective assessment of the vacancy situation of the future which first of all starts from issue a rolling programme of refurbishments that we have n't really seen sight of the of the implications of that on the number of vacancies .
15 SENSELESS THINGS return to the UK from Japan to play seven dates , their last of this year .
16 SENSELESS THINGS return to the UK from Japan to play seven dates , their last of this year .
17 Now if I can pass on and ask Mr from North Yorkshire , who first of all is going to give you an introduction which in effect which effectively will set the context of alteration number three .
18 These men , all of them , were people who first of all were devoted to their cameras .
19 In other words , according to this view , Germany along with all the other nations stumbled into war in nineteen fourteen , was then declared , simply because she was the defeated party , declared to be the guilty party , erm had punitive terms imposed on her at the Treaty of Versailles , and as a result of this moved towards extremism in internal politics , with the erm consequence that the Democratic Republic of Weimar collapsed , erm Hitler came to power , and Hitler was some kind of evil person , a Satanic messenger from Hell , who first of all visited his atrocities on , on the Germans before doing the same to Europe as a whole .
20 I tend , Moderator , to Professor 's view that this complicates the issue and we 'd be better to deal with anti-semitism by itself first of all .
21 So if you come to try and analyze sea water you first of all have to separate the er aqueous base and those things in solution from this particular material .
22 Well , so nothing , if the novel you have written is a good one and if nothing that you have done in the way of title , type of story , original laying-out of the situation has not broken that contract with the reader which says , " This will be a crime novel , it will entertain you first of all though it may cause you a little to think " .
23 In making drills for practice , you first of all have to decide what the problem is and then design a drill to overcome it .
24 Because what happens you see in these societies and Australian Aborigines are with no exceptions is that if you want a wife if you 're a young man and you want a wife you first of all got ta get initiated .
25 Now I 've seen a lot of people who complain about taking drugs and the side effects they get , when you analyze it , you first of all find they have n't taken it , or they 've taken five other drugs at the same time
26 I do n't understand that Mr Cunnane Can you first of all explain please why you say it 's targeted towards twenty eight percent of the workforce ?
27 Hello Elise I 'm going to ask you first of all , how old are you , are you six ?
28 erm let me just let me just ask you first of all what is the value for you and for the company of of developing skills on presentations .
29 Erm when you do your stock do you first of all roast the bone ?
30 mhm So , all right , so you you first of all find out what baggage people are carrying around with them ?
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