Example sentences of "[pron] [num ord] [vb past] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was not even aware that , until I had my first bought suit , that flies had been invented !
2 MY FIRST remembered visit to Bilsdale , in the North York Moors , was on a junior school bus trip circa 1947 .
3 It was a nonsense they tried to teach me when I first made records , you must always do it faster .
4 After university , they lived together platonically in Kennington and later Maida Vale for several years , ‘ before I first made advances , which resulted in six months ’ non-speaking from her ’ , Gould says cryptically .
5 For example , in the scene where John first meets Mary , ‘ I did n't have the attitude right , and Peter said , ‘ Do you remember how you were when I first brought Mia backstage to meet you ? ’
6 When I first saw Moila it was on a beautiful day in the last week of June .
7 I first saw Seve at the PGA Championship , which he won , at Royal St Georges in 1975 .
8 I first saw Salamanca at a certain moment of dusk when the setting sun still casts a deep red glow over the city 's rosy stone .
9 I first saw Moby at the photo session for the cover of the new video ‘ It 's a Dog 's Life … and how to enjoy it ’ .
10 I 'll admit I felt just like you do when I first saw Townshend doing his smashing act ; I would have died for the SG he splintered at Woodstock !
11 Honestly , Henry , when I think back to when I first saw Andrew Jones in that mucky room , the thin weed of a lad with nothing about him , I can not believe he 's the same person represented by Mr Andrew Jones , not only head of the showrooms , but …
12 Oh , I confess to feeling a pang when I first saw David again — I would n't be human if I had n't — but , as I said before , it was over between us a very long time ago , probably even before I fell for Paul if the truth be known . ’
13 I first saw Lily when she was fourteen , and I was a year older , soon after my breakdown .
14 I thought when I first saw Mr. Belville at the masquerade that he was the finest gentleman I had ever seen .
15 I stood in that upper gallery where I first saw Dana and he cast that look upon me which was to make me his slave .
16 I was sitting outside a little café in Avignon enjoying a quiet glass of Pernod when I first saw Emily .
17 When I first knew Emerson , the days of his glory were in the past .
18 I first knew Mr Rocke some twelve years ago when on a course at Woolley Hall .
19 when I first wore ankles .
20 The authors he found most helpful in this ‘ interim ’ period were all mystics , or figures who emphasized spirit over matter — MacDonald , William Ralph Inge , Jacob Boehme , whose quasi-theosophical , semi-astrological De Signatura Rerum ( The Signatures of Things ) gave him ‘ about the biggest shaking up I 've got from a book , since I first read Phantastes ’ .
21 When I first read Nairn ( it was published in 1987 ) I had not been contemplating Johnson : now , in the late sunlight coming through my bedroom window , I rushed to him and Boswell .
22 I first read Punch in the school library in 1962 and have read it ever since .
23 When I first met Christopher Pilkington at the Centre I had no idea he was a priest and remember asking if he was the healer as one might question a plumber 's identity .
24 It was in the context of ‘ direction ’ that I first met Julian of Norwich and subsequently a wealth of other spiritual classics .
25 I first met Basil forty years ago .
26 I first met Basil in Wakefield during the spring of 1959 and was fortunate to find myself working with him on the West Riding vacation course at Ilkley later that year .
27 ‘ Now there is one of nature 's gentlemen , ’ someone had told me at Monaco in 1975 when I first met Mario .
28 I first met Ben Johnson at the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham just prior to the Commonwealth Games .
29 When I first met Chris and Pauline Lloyd to discuss their garden and take a look at its one-in-three slope , I was filled with a mixture of admiration for them , and horror at the task ahead .
30 Here is what he says in L'Europe Déraisonnable , published in 1992 by Valmonde : I first met Philippe de Villier in London on 22 July 1992 , when he proposed the concept of a family of European nations , a softer version of de Gaulle 's Europe des patries .
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