Example sentences of "[pron] [num ord] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My next effort was a ‘ coffee table ’ book on English Sporting Prints , also out of print , and , in my hundredth year I am trying to complete a Catalogue of English Sporting Prints c.1750–1880 , promised twenty years ago .
2 ‘ On my fourteenth birthday I bought a really cheap guitar and chord book from Argos and sat in my room for about 6 months and lear n't to play the entire Siouxsie & The Banshees first album . ’
3 On my sixteenth birthday I walked into the house with a fag in every orifice ; I was legally old enough to smoke , so , I thought , just try and stop me !
4 And I have been told that as a baby I conformed to this pattern , in contrast to my first sister who was ‘ delicate ’ and my second sister who was ‘ placid ’ .
5 In my second thoughts my aims remain the same , but are more thoroughly developed : and all these grovelling references to ‘ great ’ historians and their ‘ brilliant ’ works have been extirpated .
6 As I walked back from the bar with my second pint I caught sight of Karen and Dennis at a table in the corner .
7 When this government talks about safety nets for those in need , I tend to look six inches below ground level to find it often the G M B is the only safety net above the ground which leads me to my second word we do this because we care we care about our country our economy , and our people .
8 This has happened before and no matter what people say I think in my second year we were about 16th or 17th . ’
9 In my second year I did n't do very much work , but I did lots of acting and directing .
10 At first it amused me ; after my first year it drove me to distraction ; in my second year I learned to take a novel with me to work and , with a bit of luck , get through it in a two-day shoot .
11 Well in my second year I coxed one of the women 's university boats against well underneath the famous Sue Brown .
12 In his reply of 21 February 1935 , he added a footnote in his own hand which put the matter aptly ; but about my second article he had his doubts .
13 It 's erm it 's been very interesting actually this last month because erm talk about your sons joining the enemy erm my second son who 's been up in Cheshire for well , twenty years I suppose he 's just been appointed senior art adviser for Devon .
14 This same point about the divisibility of roles which are ordinarily assumed to be interchangeable is further exemplified by my second example which is another piece of classic ethnography .
15 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
16 So if this was my second policy you sold me , and I wanted a minimum premium contract , how much would the minimum premium be ?
17 For my second slide I chose a bullet chart and filled in the appropriate data form .
18 And erm =ut er th that that was quite a quite a good school , quite a modern school but I I 'd er I 'd er I was n't able to stay there long because I was approaching my thirteenth birthday you see than .
19 ‘ She was born just before my 40th birthday which was quite rare 13 years ago .
20 My fourth offence I spent another three weeks on remand , and my fifth offence I spent one month .
21 On my fourth day I went to visit the United Nations .
22 Shortly after my fourth birthday we moved to a village in Somerset with my father 's employer , a retired lawyer , a bachelor , whose household was presided over by a sister-in-law whose husband had died at about the time of my birth .
23 Prior to my fifteenth birthday I had asked for train sets and cowboy suits for Xmas and birthdays , and until I was eighteen I spent Saturday afternoons making tea and sandwiches for my Mam and some girls from school as they talked endlessly of ‘ fellas ’ and clothes and make-up — subjects never of any interest to me .
24 When Granpa asked me what I wanted for my fifteenth birthday I replied without a moment 's hesitation , ‘ My own barrow , ’ and added that I 'd nearly saved enough to get one .
25 In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe , but I did not try to escape in it .
26 If I were to approach my sixth criterion I needed to find someone who knew their way round an oscilloscope , and it was n't until the mid-1980s that a bright , if somewhat cranky , scuba-diving enthusiast arrived on campus to do a PhD .
27 During my first attack I experienced some very inaccurate return fire which ceased just before I broke away .
28 On my first furlough I sought her out , and attended her course of lectures .
29 ‘ It was n't long before I had my first bite which was a 3 lb 7 oz chub .
30 At first it amused me ; after my first year it drove me to distraction ; in my second year I learned to take a novel with me to work and , with a bit of luck , get through it in a two-day shoot .
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