Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] see [is] " in BNC.

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1 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
2 ‘ Which I will see is paid . ’
3 The only solution I can see is in future to save any pattern of this sort as a variety of widths .
4 ‘ All I can see is a bloody empty yard wiv a shed in it .
5 This would get round the example of the sheep in the field because I presumably believe ( falsely ) that the animal I can see is a sheep even though this belief is not used in inference .
6 Now all I can see is a room filled with cow muck . ’
7 In the future , I ca n't see E the only one I can see is , What do they do with the flats when they empty .
8 So again there are n't many things that do complete , swimming I think I far as I can see is the only one that does , but then again that depends on how you use the swimming , it , it just , just cos you bathes every week does n't necessarily mean that it does do it for you , it depends what you do , okay ?
9 All I can see is empty pavement .
10 All I can see is the face of Rainbow Rosenbloom , receding backwards in time and space and vanishing in a little pinpoint of light .
11 All I can see is hands and the hard bulk of bodies pressed against the glass .
12 It appears to be a storeroom for the canteen rather than the Registry , though — all I can see is a confusion of brown cardboard boxes blazoned Vim and Heinz and Tate & Lyle .
13 Then the other argument as I can see is that they 've led me to believe , I don I know you said that it 's automatic twelve month ban , but we just accepted that because I was led to believe that my job was safe .
14 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
15 So er , at the moment they 're saying all I can see is that er , we would have to use up the whole of our balance , that 's sixteen thousand and the twenty four thousand arrears .
16 So I , I , I think that er one of the , the comforting things which er I c I can see is that she has grown in self confidence , not cockiness , self confidence .
17 Well it 's the same as our place , a that paper is as far as I can see is jet black underneath !
18 All rooms have private facilities , most have balconies , though all you may see is the wall of the house next door , and there 's a big shared fridge .
19 The other thing you 've got in that packet are some erm , er , dates er , if , if , what you 'll see is there 's a space on the spine of the storage binder for putting the year date for the r , er , okay , the basic precept here is of course , you never throw away an old diary , in case you get sued .
20 On a misty day when on a hill walk all you 'd see is your feet , in the valley acres of countryside can stretch before you .
21 So what you would see is the machine , as it were , engaging the patient in a much more perhaps conversational mode and with much more feedback and response to the way in which the patient is answering the questions or behaving , rather than just , as it were , a machine which elicits information from the patient and compares it with a statistical set of data .
22 ‘ All you can see is a bleeding bald head , ’ said a young mum in south Wales .
23 Even though most of the nail you can see is dead , regular buffing can promote healthy growth by stimulating blood circulation in the lunula ( half moon ) .
24 Er it moves up again in eighty five to eighty six and the general trend you can see is still upwards though it 's certainly not repeating the growth in this period .
25 The toxin may or may not be present in strains of er C diphtheria and this is just an immunological test so I wo wo n't explain it in detail but what you can see is a a strip of er , filter paper which has been bathed in anti-toxin and growth of various different strains of the organism erm which , some of which do produce the toxin you can see lines of precipitation here and some of which do n't produce the toxin .
26 Many situations predispose to spatial disorientation — The main ones are : a ) Any situation involving a reduction or change in the way essential cues are available to you , eg on transition from visual to instrument flight or attempting to fly visually when what you can see is inadequate as in poor light , haze or high altitude .
27 Keeper picks it up now Rozario you can see is is is protesting .
28 And when you do this , you can say to yourself , you can see is it really something that 's important .
29 And what you can see is a bed ?
30 He says what you can see is most of the cities not only in Holland , but the whole world and of course in England have to deal with the growing of cars and it 's not only that the car is a good thing — the car has very bad things for the city as a whole .
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