Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In its standard form , the Prisoners ' Dilemma is a game played by two players , each of whom may choose either to cooperate , C , or defect , D , in any one encounter .
2 from this point on , Spencer Stuart became a genuinely international firm owned by its own consultants ( none of whom may hold more than 2% of the stock ) and managed by a Chairman and a Chief Executive , each of whom is elected to the position for a defined period .
3 Performing King Lear in the round meant making eye-contact with members of the audience , some of whom may have really been embroiled in mayhem the actors were merely playing at .
4 Excuse me let's eat tonight mind .
5 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
6 Others among them may form consistently unfortunate or unhappy heterosexual relationships without realising the true reason for their failures in this area ; for these , realisation of their homosexual needs and urges could be a step towards release from a heterosexual bondage .
7 Beauty is often the object of envy by a plain person , yet people whose prettiness as children captivated the adults around them may grow up with a severe disadvantage .
8 I have passed it round the various organisations within the parish and some of them may reply directly to your office .
9 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
10 Although most of these techniques are expensive and difficult to use , it is possible that at least some of them may become more easily available ; they can be very useful both for discovering in detail how English speakers produce their speech sounds , and for demonstrating to learners of English their pronunciation errors in a way that helps them to correct them .
11 The buttery-hatch is open from dawn to dusk for the entire week ; everyone may eat as much as he can , and take off in a basket as much as he can carry , including clothing , ‘ for a Christian gentleman of high degree was Eustace Lyle ’ .
12 He says everyone must look carefully at their cover notes and receipts and contact the insurers
13 Everyone must put up with a certain amount of discomfort from neighbours ’ .
14 A further great grievance that exists in this force in the Division where I am is that the Section Sergeant dare not enter any Station while he is on duty unless he signs the main station book ; yet the plain clothes P.C.s and Detective Constables , and even uniform P.C.s can go into the Station as often as they think and there is no order that any of them must sign in and out .
15 Each of them must tread on and on , a ceaseless , bone-grinding trudge , if they did not want to be taken up and up by the gyrating treadmill into the clanking , turning cogs in the roof and ground to dust between the pinions .
16 We 're looking for the funny , the beautiful , the weird and the wonderful , family pictures and holiday snaps , but each of them must have that little extra something … .
17 If they are not athletically fit they may not be able to hunt for a while and this could be critical , as most of them must kill regularly to survive .
18 You could n't go was er I 'm not going to recommend that everyone should go out and buy a dog .
19 It is full of ideas to try out and everyone should do just as it recommends .
20 Dana thought everyone should do just as she wanted , and why not ?
21 Antonio 's mother said : ‘ They shouted that everyone should lie down on the floor , that anyone who looked around would be killed … they tied up Antonio and grabbed my youngest son ( 16 year old Jose Custodio ) .
22 Sir John Donaldson MR said it was important in such disputes , which gave rise to strong , indeed passionate , feelings , that ‘ everyone should know where the courts stand .
23 No-one should think twice about blurting out the whole story .
24 of them should go straight on to the beat .
25 The idea was that a group of them should take back the second of the Shahs planes to Teheran , contact those military commanders known to be most loyal to the Shah and convince them to hijack Khomeinis plane when , as the assumed he would , he flew back to Teheran from Paris .
26 I had suggested in the note that , as it was then three-fifteen , rather than their breaking camp , one of them should drive back and take me to where they were for the night and back to the village next morning .
27 It was the same at the funeral , they were all so quiet , the four men who brought in the coffin wore thick soft-soled shoes so as not to make a noise , nothing must interrupt so that it seemed like a silent film unreeling to the sound of psalms .
28 At first , being so aware of ourselves may seem very strange ; this is because we are not used to it .
29 ‘ Give me a light that I may tread safely
30 I SAID to the man who stood at the gate of the year , ‘ Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown ’ .
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