Example sentences of "[pron] [be] only as " in BNC.

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1 Failing such superhuman qualities , however , there was only as usual ordinary observation and patience , and they both seemed inadequate and tame .
2 He admits : ‘ The verdict was such a shock , but it 's only as time goes by you realise what the implications are .
3 It 's only as you begin to come out of the Ketamine state that you begin to appreciate where you are or where you 've been .
4 It 's only as their wardrobes become full that the problem arises ; garments that turn out the wrong size are going to fill one person 's space more than another 's .
5 And it 's only as we fulfil our function with the body .
6 It is only as we remain exiles , stay-behind agents , spies in enemy territory , that we can really learn to delight in God alone .
7 It is only as we become at ease with the condition of our own humanity that we can accept another person 's .
8 The fact that the younger the subject is , the more able he is to recall details of past lives , seems to me to be quite simple to understand : it is only as our children pass through the Western educational system that they are taught to forego intuition and creativity in favour of logic and calculation .
9 It is only as deaths of red or green moths in that environment that these are fortuitous events ; this fortuitousness being , as philosophers say , description relative .
10 It is only as economic circumstances have eased , for most people at least , that the expressive aspects of relationships have become more prominent , although whether family relationships can ever be regarded as ‘ purely ’ expressive is very questionable ( ibid .
11 In fact the wording of the Act makes it clear that it is only as mothers that women are given priority in the public sector .
12 If it can be significantly talked about , it seems , then it is only as some kind of state , or situation , an ontological " event " perhaps , certainly not as an entity .
13 Therefore , even if complex real-world situations can only be represented by complex models , the proponents of the object-oriented model argue that it is only as it need be to represent these situations on computers and to manipulate those representations for the purpose of processing queries .
14 In the film , one of them , Dr Tony Kallend , appeared to explain that acid rain was nothing to be worried about as it was only as acid as Coca Cola .
15 It was only as the girl grew older and she realized that her mother was simply mouthing words and had no intention whatsoever of carrying out her threat that she had begun to be able to relax and enjoy what was left of her childhood .
16 It was only as time , the weather , bad management , neglect and poverty took their toll that the dream turned sour .
17 Indeed , if Wright was hiding last night , it was only as camouflage and he emphatically answered Graham as early as the sixth minute .
18 It was only as I read your article that I realised my husband had n't been receiving an allowance for a dependant — me !
19 She found it easy : to begin with , she found everything easy , as her memory for facts was remarkable , and it was only as she grew older that she began to notice in herself slight doubts about her ability to pursue higher physics and mathematics .
20 It was only as shore jet ceased to meet increasing demands that recourse was had to outcrops exposed on hillsides in the interior .
21 It was only as these were run down that recourse was made to mining .
22 Despite Alcuin 's plea to Aethelheard that he not be stripped of his pallium during his lifetime , it was only as bishop that Hygeberht attended the council of Chelsea in 801 ( CS 302 : S 158 ) and as abbot , that of Clofesho in 803 .
23 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
24 Yet it was only as she was getting Emily ready for school next morning that she forced herself to come to a decision .
25 It was only as the conversation progressed that her function at G.W. Fashions was revealed .
26 It was only as his eyes closed and he drifted into sleep that Corbett realised the wine must have been lightly laced with a sleeping potion .
27 By the time she arrived , still wrestling with this dramatic rearrangement of the stars in the family constellation , she had the beginnings of a bad headache , and it was only as she turned into the drive and saw the lights and heard voices and music spilling from the house that she thought about the party that was still , clearly , very much in progress .
28 It was only as she reached the small turning leading to the patio that she stopped , a momentary apprehension bringing goose-pimples to her skin .
29 It was only as you grew older I began to wonder .
30 It took a great mental effort to move and go upstairs to change ; even then , she had to keep her mind blank , and it was only as she cooked the evening meal , every action mechanical , that she thought clearly again .
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