Example sentences of "[pron] [be] all the " in BNC.

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1 What differentiates them are all the extra functions that have been bolted on , and this is what I 'll be concentrating on in this review .
2 Well we got the rock and roll ones first well they have , them two have to go together in a certain place cos them are all the rock and roll ones and them are not .
3 Wish I were all the things that you 're pretending to be . ’
4 Although this might suggest otherwise , I was all the time working hard for Schools , as I knew that Eliot , now my mentor in most things , would have strongly urged me to do .
5 This enormous devil could well be an embodiment of the dark side of my character ; in which case , I was all the less likely to escape him .
6 NaCl , which are all the same chemical , but with differences in purity ) is not suitable for the brackish aquarium alone .
7 Listen to Nuno Bettencourt , Steve Vai , Clapton — any great player — and you 're hearing great timing , phrasing and articulation , which are all the offspring of a basic understanding of rhythm .
8 This is very good value , particularly as the papers they use ( which are all the same price ) are luxurious and interesting .
9 Why I 'm yes that that might be a bit more complicated because that means we 've got to get a thousand a thousand reject up to a thousand reject ball bearings which are all the same .
10 The midwife laid the little scrap in Tamar 's arms and said , ‘ 'E 's a lovely lad , Lady Lassiter. 'E 's not big , but 'e 's all the world ti grow in . ’
11 This cyclical fluctuation in volume is due to-the operation of the camcorder 's automatic gain control which is all the time trying to maintain a constant sound level irrespective of the natural level of the incoming signal , an effect which makes it impossible to reproduce true audio perspectives .
12 As we shall see , in practice it is not necessary to write down the matrices unc merely perform simple operations with the rows of A and I in ( 1 ) , which is all the matrices unc do .
13 Erm there is a further implication in this conception , and again I quote whosoever therefore out of a state of nature unite into a community must be understood to give up all the power necessary to the ends for which they unite into a society to the majority of the community unless they expressly agreed in any number greater than the majority and this is done where are we by barely agreeing to unite into one political society which is all the compact that is or needs to be between the individuals that enter into or make up a commonwealth .
14 ‘ Well , I was influenced by AM radio all the time I was growing up , which was all the great '50s rock'n'roll , and I suppose I would have to include The Beatles in that .
15 Then he pulled down the sheet , which was all the bedclothes she had needed on that warm night , and she lay naked before him .
16 There they were at the table , his mother in a hat like a helmet , his father carving the bloody paw which was all the food on offer .
17 He continued on foot to Casterbridge to order the best gravestone available for twenty-seven pounds , which was all the money he had .
18 It was n't forth garaging the car for a couple of hours , which was all the time he could allow himself .
19 I think but continuing down the corridor erm which was all the Education Department , you came to the typists ' room right at the bottom of the corridor on the left
20 For , as Prior of Scone and its guardian , he bore round his neck the Brecbennoch , the little silver reliquary casket of St Columba which was all the Celtic church could bring to any battle while its Abbots of Iona and Armagh and Kells disputed with one another in the turmoil of Irish battle , Irish famine , Irish plague , demanding the grace of St Columba and first claim to the aid of his relics .
21 You have to know where you are all the time ; this means you must know what mile number you are at , so on day 4 you may be at mile 47 .
22 We 'll know where you are all the time .
23 When you get to be the top man , you do n't need to go around proving how tough you are all the rime .
24 I think perhaps I must try never to go away unless with you — And yet I know when you are out at supper with others , that you are all the time thinking of me , as I am of you ( and last evening in the hansom !
25 You are all the same , ’ I had said — reducing her from an individual to a stereotype , lumping her in with the worst of the cherry berets .
26 You are all the same , ’ ’ he said , imitating not her voice but its angry cadence .
27 You 're all the same , you typhoons , ’ Lil said .
28 You 're all the same .
29 You 're all the same , you women ; that bitch was nae mair ma wif than —
30 ‘ To my mind you 're all the same . ’
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