Example sentences of "[pron] [unc] [pers pn] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I I listened to Mr speech with some incredulity I must say , but I did listen to what he said and if what he said is true then I I find some of the things disturbing and and er I 'd like to see his figures and I I w I I that there have certainly been er two messages coming to the social services committee in in in that case .
2 I w I I personally er made it clear at the time when they changed the rules er er fairly recently , that I did n't think they should .
3 Yes I w I I would think so I mean it it wo n't occur in five minutes of course erm and I I would still say that I would like to see them in the six yard box more often .
4 Erm and therefore I g I I I do think that is quite a big issue as far as this but all I these these all these arguments have been rehearsed as we 've said before , in housing committee , but I would just like to make one point and this is it .
5 But I cert I I I I I ju I it it just sounds you know two hundred pounds a month , just over two hundred pound a month
6 I don I it 's , it 's very difficult , you know ?
7 That 's sounds very reasonable but I I er I I ha not having been at the level , form tutor
8 But I I I I I I do n't know I er I I do n't think I do feel guilty .
9 Well I er I I do n't know I could tell you a lot if I could just bring it to mind .
10 well , I er it it I am only reading what er their joint statement said .
11 Well I lo I I looked at the fifty and then
12 I ne I I er
13 And I must admit I th I I sort of applauded him .
14 Because erm the er the purpose of these regulations which er my old friend has just eluded to and I s I I and I have myself , is to extend to the citizens of other member states of the European union who are resident here , the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in the elections to the European parliament .
15 I erm I I do n't know how you feel about that but
16 Yes I I erm I I I certainly do er and
17 That was taken in the last few years , er I j I I 've never bothered about clothes in my entire life .
18 I mean I f I I feel that you do .
19 You know I pl I I started this album really I started writing it while I was doing Love Hurts in Israel and Zoe would s sort of catch in the caravan , what the hell are you doing now , you know I was writing lyrics and thi , and I started to get keyed into this album just before I finished Love Hurts .
20 Yes , I wo I I would , I would go for that , I 'm afraid .
21 I c we we bought these two sloping cha
22 Well I c I I 've seen so many things over the year I just do n't believe it until I actually see it and th literally four weeks ago , I 'd just got back from Germany , went on a meeting the following morning and it 's that gentleman there , Steve , and h he 's got some pictures in his pocket which will prove exactly what we 're talking about .
23 And said I wonder what 's the matter the next house next to me , she said I wi I I wondered if Penny come and live there , you know , from where she is now er
24 Indeed , well I d I I do n't call it justice .
25 I d I I drink two or three cups of coffee a morning .
26 But I cert I I I I I ju I it it just sounds you know two hundred pounds a month , just over two hundred pound a month
27 All we have is the government time from time to time tweaking up the regulations as its er as its er it it it its doing here .
28 Having said which er I I 've already pointed out that I I see no great potential for fifty hectares in in our area .
29 Well the only think which erm , which erm I I and I said look this er system because no way .
30 Well I 'll tell you what I I you know seriously er with what Norman would have told you on the phone self employed commission only erm if you er I I 'm surprised you came to see us .
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