Example sentences of "[pron] [be] always [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among the manufacturers houses are likewise scattered an infinite number of cottages or small dwellings , in which dwell the workmen which are employed , the women and children of whom are always busy carding , spinning , &C. so that no hands being unemploy 'd , all can gain their bread , even from the youngest to the antient ; hardly any thing above four years old , but its hands are sufficient to itself …
2 Some of the most exciting events have occurred in this imaginary place , and I am always disappointed when I visit Wood Green to find that no school , no schoolhouse , no children and , above all , no Miss Watson or Miss Fogerty are to be seen .
3 I am always disappointed .
4 I am always thankful for their enthusiasm and commitment as we have drawn up the development brief for the Architect , Ray Davis , whom we have now appointed .
5 I am always serious .
6 I am always serious about chess , McAllister , ’ he replied , eyes mocking her .
7 Gradually I drifted apart from Beth and Ida , but I am always grateful to them because they also introduced me to the other great interest in their lives — ballet .
8 At least I am always honest with you . ’
9 I am always loth to leave Middle Washfold : unlike many cave surrounds , it is friendly , a pleasant study in green and white .
10 He dismissed any such link for lack of proof ; for him there was ‘ no tracing the connection of ancient nations , but by language ; and therefore I am always sorry when any language is lost , because languages are the pedigree of nations .
11 I am always sorry to hear when someone has been hurt in an accident , particularly if it is safety surfacing which has been vandalised that has some way been responsible for the injury .
12 As I am a mild and gentle man I am always alarmed by such outbursts , particularly if they are of feminine origin .
13 I am always proud to wear an England race jacket .
14 Finally , I am always depressed at the apparent lack of concern in our syllabuses and teachers ' guides for the poorer educational contexts .
15 The transport secretary , John MacGregor , a guest at the opening of the Virgin lounge , named the Clubhouse , refused to be drawn on the issue , telling reporters : ‘ I am always pleased to see our airlines competing effectively .
16 On second thoughts , I am always obedient to the Whips .
17 In the meantime , I am always obedient to the Whips , so I shall leave it at that .
18 I am always content to discuss these matters with my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary .
19 I am always finance-conscious given our continual need to raise funds , but I also want to recognise your valuable contribution to our work .
20 I am always healthy . ’
21 Although I am always prepared to enter discussions with the hon. Gentleman about hypothetical matters , one must also balance the amount of time and expense that it would take to comment on something that is not a reality .
22 I am always punctual and on the platform in plenty of time , but it is seldom the right platform .
23 we did translation , Xenophon , I do not know a word of it I do not think Greek alone makes me miserable , I am always miserable .
24 I am , of course , conscious that , as a convert to some important aspects of European integration , I risk being impeached for a lack of consistency ; however , I am always happy to recall the words of Ralph Emerson , who said : ’ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds , adored by little statemen and philosophers and divines . ’
25 I am always happy to work myself up into a great cultural stew , given half the chance .
26 I am always amazed that the basic rules of portraiture are rarely taught .
27 I did some Medau in London before the war but since then have been thwarted by a lack of classes in this area — but — I am always hopeful .
28 I guess the fifties was my favourite period for the blues and so the guys that were making records — most of the Chicago people who were playing in the fifties and who are still around — are the ones that I am always interested in playing with . ’
29 I am always interested in others
30 National characteristics come to the fore continuously , and I am always interested to see how widely differing they are .
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