Example sentences of "[pron] [be] ask what " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps most importantly of all , I am asking what Anglicanism can learn from this trend in church life .
2 I 'm asking what 's the legal position in that ?
3 Well that 's why I 'm asking what do I do ?
4 If ever I was asked what Nigel ‘ did ’ , I would reply that he was a designer , or sometimes I 'd say an inventor , but he always spoke of himself as an engineer .
5 When I got back to base , instead of being welcomed as the returning hero I thought myself to be , I was asked what had taken me so long .
6 If I was asked what I felt characterised the walking around Wensleydale , I would say that it has all the expanse and sweep of the bigger dales like Wharfedale but that it also has jewels of villages like West Burton and Askrigg and the fine falls of Hardraw and Aysgarth .
7 In nineteen eighty three from nineteen fifty three after thirty years of making cheese , they changed his job , I think many of you are ahead of me already , he said I was given a job change and I began working in landscaping , how nice while being interviewed some time ago I was asked what I thought about being giving a job change after thirty years of making cheese and he said well it did n't bother me , I noted , frankly because I did n't like making cheese anyway
8 I was asking what sub committee it was .
9 I was asking what you 'd do if you discovered someone you cared for was doing wrong .
10 Yet had she been asked what that destination was she would have been hard put to it to answer .
11 If any of you happen to be professional philosophers , you will certainly have had this experience in your , in society , you 're asked what you do , and if you make that admission , a slightly lunatic thing happens .
12 She was asked what it was like , really like , to be on the stage .
13 She was asked what she had done to merit promotion and what she might like to do :
14 She was asking what Steve had come up with job wise she said if ever I wanted a C V writing Graham 'd do it for me
15 When Mr and Mrs Bloggs are eventually summoned to the teacher 's desk they are asked what they thought of the work .
16 They 're asking what the noise could be who it could be were the guards coming for them ?
17 When they were asked what the ( say ) ‘ egg ’ was ‘ really , really ’ the three-year-olds answered correctly that it was a stone , but when asked what the object ‘ looks like to your eyes ’ they also said ‘ stone ’ .
18 They were asked what instruction they had received , whether they put drops in by themselves and if they had experienced any problems .
19 People that knew me were asking what was wrong with me , they were shocked at the state of me .
20 It 's asking what I 'm gon na do about Jancey and Rachel .
21 When he is asked what he will do after his own group splits , he usually resorts to humour .
22 Still , he 's asking what has she taken ?
23 Happily Lendl 's humour resurfaced when he was asked what difference marriage had made : ‘ Before I could do everything I wanted to do , now I have to ask . ’
24 After the match he was asked what punishment he thought he might receive .
25 Yet when he was asked what went through his mind as he confronted the gunman , he replied with a joke .
26 In the same interview , he was asked what he thought of ‘ the Thatcherite idea that the service sector was the thing , that making things was becoming less important to this country ’ .
27 Later , in a casual conversation during the School , he was asked what he would do if , one night , one of the young female students happened to wander into his room by mistake .
28 I remember when he was asked what the principal crop of Thailand was and he answered transistor radios .
29 Truman once said he was asked what the job of the presidency involved and Truman once said I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without my persuading them .
30 He was asked what U N peace keepers were doing to protect Moslem civilians in the area .
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