Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Two novels of the 1720s point the contrast in public attitudes to the American colonies of the two countries in an odd way : the Abbé Prévost 's Manon Lescaut and Daniel Defoe 's Moll Flanders are about prostitutes , both of whom are transported to the new world , but Manon dies from exposure in the arms of her faithful des Grieux after walking six miles from New Orleans , while Moll Flanders settles down with her fifth husband to reckon her net worth in cash and tobacco before returning from Virginia to London .
2 Development has been swift and Worknet now has a staff of twenty eight people , all of whom are dedicated to assisting the community in their search for employment or training .
3 We are going to have to choose our bird from a very short list of names , none of whom are known to us , or have any political or ideological weaknesses to play upon . ’
4 The bands are Steed , Brick Supply , Watersnakes , and Mojo , all of whom are signed to Graeme Robinson 's new label , Circulation .
5 This Astra was stolen by 5 teenagers , some of whom are thought to be as young as 13 .
6 The option is already proving popular , not least with our increasing numbers of Access students many of whom are attracted to subsequent careers as teachers .
7 And finally , the criminal injuries compensation scheme , to cut the amounts paid to people who are victims of gang rape , to cut the amount paid to people who are victims of child abuse , that shows just how much the Home Secretary cares about the victims of crime , and his other measures show that he 's far more concerned with his own career , with pleasing the Conservative party conference , and with trying to do anything , anything I mean he 's brought in whatever it is , twenty-seven proposals , one or two of them are bound to work , if you throw enough stuff at the fan , some of it usually hits the target .
8 Incensed by such treatment , the hare scratched the Moon 's face with his claws and the two of them are disfigured to this day .
9 When the remainder of the known fortified sites are plotted on a map ( fig. 7.1 ) most of them are seen to be distributed along three routes :
10 Directors are treated as being in a position analogous to that of trustees , so powers conferred upon them are given to them in a fiduciary capacity .
11 The shortage of Pentiums is so bad that those that have them are said to be ‘ tea-bagging ’ them — moving their precious chips from system to system to prove to customers that their box works , then quickly back into the safe .
12 Witnesses said armed soldiers kept up an overnight siege at Kinshasa 's People 's Palace conference centre because the notes used to pay them are said to be cursed and are almost impossible to spend .
13 Obviously , when there is some snow on the hills in the summer you ca n't do much , so they are very carefully made and some of them are connected to a computer , so if you have a very good coach with you he can say ‘ You 're going that right , no do it a bit more like this , or a bit more like that ’ .
14 Differences between them are assimilated to differences on sex-differentiated traits like masculinity or self-confidence .
15 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
16 It is an important implication of this that they are never a matter of how the things which have them are related to other things .
17 Descendants of the nomadic ‘ hordes ’ of Central Asia , many of them are related to the minority peoples of the Soviet Union , whom they closely resemble .
18 The hypotheses , formed after his observations , are many ; but most of them are related to the empirical findings of a long tradition and the world is spared a too individualistic interpretation of some of Nature 's more self-willed manifestations .
19 Excuse me , can I finish , er many of them are chained to the parent 's legs while they 're collected for these people then to bring to a circus , traumatized and chained to the ground for life .
20 The identity booklet ( or key card ) together with any messages or letters that may be waiting for them are handed to the guest .
21 Consequently , even although a high proportion of particular categories of material may be in poor condition in the stacks , if not many of them are issued to readers , they may be in less danger than other items which are more frequently issued .
22 Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime .
23 ‘ Well , I 'll tell ye — nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are glued to the Holy Writ of Economic Theory ; the remaining one , which ought to be fixed on Ireland , is blind . ’
24 Most of them are frozen to death .
25 Bingley possesses an enormous fortune and both of them are committed to each other and love one another very deeply .
26 ‘ Inevitably , the care staff helping them are supervised to a much lesser degree than they would be in a residential establishment . ’
27 Some of them are held to be responsible for relaxation phenomena at low temperatures while folds are of great importance in the crystallization of polymers .
28 This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most plant families that produce bird-dispersed seeds are of very wide distribution and that several of them are held to be primitive , e.g. Annonaceae , Lauraceae , while several genera conspicuous in this trait are found in both tropical America and Australasia .
29 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
30 Had I been allowed to puddle around on my own , people today might curl their lips at Faldo 's approach .
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