Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] because [det] " in BNC.

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1 We do not use them only because those we have employed hitherto have been sufficient for our needs . ’
2 Though she never did with you really because that , I
3 It did not worry me unduly because all that was needed would be to choose a good Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but Harold Wilson was not likely to miss a trick like that .
4 But he added : ‘ The best way to deal with young people is to ensure they never get to the stage where you are having to lock them up because that is an admission of failure .
5 At first interview they had said that they worried about Mrs White , especially when they could not get over to see her , and that it was a bit of a strain on them both because neither of them was ‘ in perfect health ’ .
6 One might go on to say that if there are two or more consistent interpretations of the lowest level code , then it makes no sense to say that the computer is in fact , say , paying tax refunds rather than doing something else because that can never be more than a matter of pragmatic interpretation by some human users of the thing .
7 Some of the lecturers keep saying in a lecture , ‘ this is somehow related to something else you 've done somewhere else ’ and I wish they 'd tell us how it 's related to something else because half the time we ca n't see that .
8 You were only supposed to take the birds directly before you , not follow them sideways because that meant the man in the next butt could come within range .
9 That 's one size stockings there 's not much left in the way of them now because most people you know do n't wear stockings , these are pop
10 They 'd almost had to turn her down because all their openings for the summer had already been filled .
11 I du n no , they just because that 's
12 I 'll take you there and I 'm sure someone will bring you back ’ She did n't want to say she was sure Beuno would bring her back because that would make it evident again that she knew the miserable secrets of Betty 's heart .
13 Anyway I talked to Ann about this this morning and we 've come to the decision to leave it on because that 's what we did in the in the erm
14 That 's right , so I filled it in because that 's what you do if you get stuck on Keele you fill in the bits that the computer has n't
15 When people objected that The Green Book was ‘ just words ’ — a strong condemnation in Huaiwiri — Salah said that of course some parts of it were not as good as others , but it was foolish to condemn everything in it just because some parts of it were wrong .
16 ‘ I brought it up because this is where I am .
17 This depends upon whether the Appeal Committee decides that it will have to adjourn the hearing and carry on with it later because some new and important information has been produced , or because the Committee want you or the Council to give it more information .
18 A study of how the various crofting communities handled these pressures , outside the law and largely by ignoring it , might be instructive in the field of human relationships to which I have referred , but it would be difficult now to carry it out because that period in crofting has passed into history .
19 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
20 Erm we are renumbering some points in that one , erm we were trying to avoid it before but I ca n't seem any way of avoiding it here because these are major new things .
21 no , just towels , good one , right whip it out for me then please , I 'll have to leave it there because some of this is , still out there , ta well that 's not bad , time wise
22 Dovaston is unable to list them publicly because many of the crimes have been committed in recent years and a number are still sub judice .
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