Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] like [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Someone exactly like me .
2 I really like it — it 's got these carpets over the walls and lots of interesting stuff like a museum or summat .
3 I quite like them there .
4 I actually like him now .
5 In fact I feel sure I 've tried with your correspondent Richard , or someone very like him .
6 Thus the intrinsic value of something follows from its intrinsic nature , so that nothing exactly like it could be of a different intrinsic value , while yet it is not one of the features one could properly list in indicating what something else would have to be like to be just like this thing .
7 but its a different , its not like them is it ?
8 ‘ There are plenty more like you if I need amusement . ’
9 Ai n't nobody else like me .
10 ‘ Why did n't you bring me home like you promised ? ’
11 It 's , it is very akin to that one sort of you know , well here 's the audio description you better like it .
12 We tested this out by taking it around the office and the people in the office thought it was a bit boring we er thought it was great for the youngsters who probably like it so er erm and the merchandise we 've actually , we 've made up certain things , T-shirts and , and , and wacky items that again er relate to , to young people so that they get into the , the , the theme of the thing and the , the whole year carries forward on a , on a certain colour theme and , and , and so on , so er we 've done our best as sailing coaches not only learning to be marketeers again the money , where 's the money come from ?
13 But the bottom line to consider when tasting wine is whether or not you actually like it .
14 It does not matter to Hobbes whether men were ever actually in such a ‘ state of nature ’ , but he suggests that the American Indians are in one somewhat like it .
15 I started — and still do — in a field that I call my Chagall field because Chagall once painted one exactly like it .
16 ‘ Why , ’ she began , ‘ Daddy has n't got the new one , after all — ’ And then she stopped , for she saw , now that the van had sped closer , that it was n't her daddy 's , after all , but one just like it .
17 My father uses one just like it .
18 ‘ He 's got one just like mine . ’
19 She 'd met arrogant men before , but never one quite like him .
20 He himself would never marry another woman ; there could be no one else like her , no one in all the world .
21 Mrs Thatcher had no one else like him .
22 There was no one else like him .
23 I 'm not saying that 's not , but that 's the reason bloody vegetarian 's again all people who do something that they do n't have to always shout about it and try and turn every one else like it
24 I reckon that you can all understand Perils 1 — 6 because they ( or something very like them ) are pretty common to all school playgrounds .
25 But overall , I am convinced that general SVQs — or something very like them — are the way forward . ’
26 Now brr any anybody here like me from Yorkshire ?
27 You ca n't push and slap me around like you do her , ’ she said , pointing her finger at me .
28 The victors and villains in this war seem once again to have the outside powers where they most like them : stuck deep and quarrelling among themselves about what to do next .
29 So I must have failed him in some way , to make him not like me , as well as him failing me .
30 Do n't you wish you could eat him just like you ate your eggs ?
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