Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She felt his fingers hook into either side of her panties , and as she felt him pull them down her body she closed her eyes .
2 As she struggled into the stiff shiny yellow jacket and leggings , obviously made for someone twice her size , Nathan jumped down into the cockpit .
3 She laughed abruptly , tossed them over her head , and smoothed them on the red dress .
4 As he did so , the older man picked up the glasses which had been filled previously , and deliberately poured them over her head .
5 He caught her hands in his and drew them over her head so that she lay open and vulnerable to him .
6 She could see the minute bristles on his jaw , imagined , before she could stop herself , the rough male touch of them over her skin .
7 The queen spreads them over her body and they are licked off by the workers , who pass them to the rest of the colony by trophallaxis .
8 Ruth turned away and groped for her sunglasses and clamped them over her face so he would n't see the hurt in her eyes .
9 Dorothy , one suspects , was always too much ‘ the perfect lady ’ , and schooled too thoroughly in the pre-1914 code of proud reticence ( a code which incidentally her husband also adhered to ) , for her to escape the role of ‘ poor Dorothy ’ that some recent writers have cast her in .
10 I shall place a few grains of corn on her head and allow the hen to peck them off her scalp for a minute or two .
11 Dinah had taken the pins out of her hair , and its rich length unravelled itself down her back ; she stood before him , Juliet again , innocent and unbound .
12 I went in there myself one day for a packet of sunflower seeds for the hamster , and he says to me , I do n't know what I 'm going to do , Mr Epstein , when she comes in here with you over her shoulder . ’
13 Brenda ( seventeen , Jamaican parents ) commented that in Jamaica she had been teased as a " foreigner " because her Creole was not up to scratch : Oh , they call you all — " English gyal , come here English gyal ! " yeh , my sister 'ad it all , my sister ai n't English , my sister 's Jamaican , because she come over here when she was young , when she went back over there they were callin' her English gyal , the lot [ ] but when she , she ai n't forget nothin' , she can still speak it so she open her mouth and they say sorry [ ri ] !
14 How : ‘ One woman went to prison and she would not eat anything so , to open her mouth , they broke her teeth and put something down her throat . ’
15 Just being in the same room as him sent shivers of something down her spine that up to now she had never experienced .
16 Have we seen the best of Rosa Mota , or has the sprightly Portuguese got something up her sleeve for Barcelona , the last major championships she plans to run ?
17 ‘ Ace usually has something up her sleeve . ’
18 Mrs Goreng had something up her sleeve for this .
19 You know the one where her top 's ripped open you can see her leg .
20 She had haunted herself all her life .
21 But she just slung them around her neck .
22 But I do know that great-aunt was not exactly popular after the incident of the farm sale , and eventually John Bell left her so her brother , Great-Uncle William , came to work the farm .
23 He knocked her to the ground , punched her and threw her over her bonnet , the court heard .
24 But since her failure to understand and help her over her mother 's lover , Constance viewed Miss Hatherby rather as her mother described her : an old maid , unworldly , afraid of emotions and inexperienced in life .
25 She had strong hands , and the pressure she put into her grasp felt as if she was about to throw him over her shoulder or come out with some menacingly appropriate comment .
26 She turned to look at him over her shoulder , then walked towards the front door .
27 She flung it at him over her shoulder in the hallway before walking into the lounge , choking on the bitterness of knowing that his belief had come too late .
28 Mercy picked Hank up and put him over her shoulder .
29 As Silvia led her away , she told him over her shoulder , ‘ We can continue our conversation later . ’
30 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
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