Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] she has " in BNC.

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1 she 's had nothing so she has n't had anything done .
2 She stands as the martyr of organized and systematic sexual wrong-doing on the part of the man who should be her mate , and whom alone she has evolved to the human plane .
3 She observes that by taking out the old fuse and putting a new one in she has caused the iron to work again .
4 Spokesman Peter Titterton cheekily suggested that Princess Di should drive one now she has given up her Mercedes .
5 Something else she has .
6 ‘ She could not even stand by herself yet she has has been the victim of a most brutal assault in her own bed .
7 and her elbows and erm all over her really she has this eczema , she 's always having to change creams cos they
8 We asked her why she has given herself such an arduous task .
9 Mrs Hillaby , the present clerk of the course , told me how she has seen horses collapse at the finish , and one had even laid down and died through being ridden too hard .
10 Now I know that if I hold my arm up but keep it still she has the benefit of the updraught and will open her wings and take off .
11 Mrs Langley rose from a chair by the fire and Alexandra was aware of her daughters and someone else on a sofa in the great square bay window ; and even as Mrs Langley was greeting her she could hear Rose say clearly , ‘ Well , whatever else she has n't got , she certainly has elegant clothes , ’ and Alexandra , stung out of all terror quite suddenly , said crisply , ‘ I will tell my aunt how much you admire her taste .
12 She is a teacher and has managed to get out of school early and does not tell us why she has left .
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