Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] find [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lee lead Meryl towards them only to find that she resisted furiously .
2 Although I personally find that a very difficult thing to hear .
3 I suddenly found that I was losing my powers at a time when I needed them most .
4 It 's astonishing how the two crafts can mix together , and I constantly find that needlework and pressed flower work complement each other .
5 And I just found that I could talk to her , and I think she to me .
6 No , no , that would n't worry me , I just , I said when we got rid of our other sideboard let's do without one and then I looked round and thought well what the dickens am I going to do with all this stuff that we 've got and I just found that we could n't do without it .
7 No , I just find that really difficult because they did n't have the means at that time to achieve it .
8 A bitch will enjoy a cuddle , whereas a dog will pretend not to enjoy love , even when you can tell he does , and I generally find that bitches make more loyal companions .
9 Where there are complicated angles in the shoulders I generally find that the most straightforward method is to mark off directly from the parts to which the rail is to be jointed .
10 But I soon found that this had been a dubious choice .
11 A glance at the awful title suggested the answer ‘ nothing ’ but I soon found that this book is not like all the others .
12 I soon found that different dye lots knitted to different sizes , so that stripes in the dark colours needed four rows less than the lighter ones to make my four inches .
13 I soon found that Bertha and I had nothing in common .
14 ‘ After I had been criticised for employing ‘ Lady Merchiston ’ and ‘ your ladyship ’ , I finally found that compromise which she accepted .
15 I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
16 Saying Grace is not always a prelude to conventional manners in Free Kirk households as I once found when asked to offer the Grace in a cottage in Point , Lewis , in which the great aunt of a friend lived .
17 I always find that all the children move without realizing that you have not said ‘ Simon Says ’ .
18 Oh , I always wonder about that , I never know whether it 's correct I mean it certainly sounds better as you said , she did n't take her hand away , but I always find that when I 'm writing something down , I 'm torn , if it 's dialogue I want to say they did n't , could n't and all things come in .
19 In union negotiations , for example , I always found that if you had a heart to heart with the opposition , the single leader , you could probably gain something .
20 AT THE risk of sounding churlish , I still find that marvellously elegant title-piece and the pastiche l920s dance music by Elizabeth Dudley the best thing in Jeeves and Wooster ( ITV ) .
21 Bill : I was the same but I still find that I 'm totally different from people who think of sex as just screwing .
22 After all these years of watching birds of prey in flight , I still find that they will do something completely unexpected .
23 I usually find that the people who lose their tempers when I start asking questions are the ones with something to hide , ’ he said easily .
24 It all goes on in my head and I usually find that my first sketch depicts the piece I end up with .
25 I usually find that when the puzzle is too complicated to think about any more , the best thing to do is act .
26 I quickly found that mountain bikes do n't particularly spare you the bumps .
27 I also find that the diesel tank fitted is far too small , giving a very low range of around 240 miles without refuelling .
28 I also find that this precaution usually provides enough yarn to get me to the end of the row .
29 I also find that he 's been quoting some twelve hour figures and the only ones I have , you may have them er Mr chairman , are from the H and T C report in July of last year where they forecasted four thousand nine hundred on the A six five eight and achieve eight thousa for nineteen ninety six and achieved eight thousand one hundred now .
30 I also found that I had a vitamin deficiency , and Anna-Lisa introduced me to vitamin supplements .
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