Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the Schopenhauerian aspects of his theory contradicted his own earlier doctrines without in fact bringing them properly into line with Schopenhauer 's aesthetic itself .
2 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
3 But when researchers cut sections of these rings , ground them down into slices so thin that they were translucent and examined them through the microscope , they found , preserved in the chert , the shapes of simple organisms , each no more than one or two hundredths of a millimetre across .
4 For example , if a customer needs an altimeter , PAS can supply the complete article , but if a customer needs just part of the instrument , they are willing to break them down into component form to ensure that the customer gets just what he wants .
5 British engineers have developed a new method of incinerating spent vehicle tyres at high temperatures , breaking them down into gas and oil for fuel , and " char " — a residue which is rich in high-quality carbon .
6 To break them down into calls by type of station or something as simple as that .
7 To the charge that Victorians sentimentalised the deaths of their children has been added the allegation that they may have inflicted psychological damage by bringing them prematurely into contact with death .
8 Seeking the guidance of a sponsor — someone further into recovery in the same Fellowship and customarily of the same sex — to provide encouragement , challenge and guidance on the journey towards recovery .
9 A similar problem may arise when the tenant allows someone else into occupation of part of the demised property , either as a subtenant or by way of licence or franchise agreement .
10 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
11 Many a bunch of vigilante bully-boys would have worked them over into lumps of fillet steak , twitching and staining the carpet .
12 Unionist reactions were twofold , first to play up the war itself as a unifier of classes , and second to exploit divisions in the Labour movement in the hope of carrying them over into peacetime .
13 The Draft Airports ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 also includes measures to update legislation controlling airports in the province and bring them broadly into line .
14 He did not immediately dry his face but knelt over the stream , looking down to where the sun was glinting on the pebbles , turning them momentarily into stars .
15 Throwing himself wholeheartedly into Ulster Unionist opposition home rule in the early twentieth century , he was an active member of the Ulster Unionist Council and first president of the Ulster Unionist Labour Association .
16 Atkinson went on holiday to America during the summer and began working himself back into shape to show Villa what they had missed last season .
17 He went on holiday to America during the summer and began working himself back into shape to show Villa what they had missed last season .
18 Meanwhile Gary Owers has launched himself back into Wembley contention for the Rokermen .
19 Patrese , having dropped to sixth , hauled himself back into contention , passing Berger and Alesi ( again ) and was in second place as the pit stops began .
20 He made a tremendous effort to bring himself back into reality ; his hands shook and he swallowed twice as he tried to speak ; then he passed his right hand , still clutching the telegram , through his dark hair .
21 The Admiral jerked himself back into consciousness of his surroundings .
22 There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it , to roll in it , to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots , to draw up his childhood from the green stems , to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature .
23 The child who is encouraged to be a self-respecting individual , however , will carry that impression of himself forward into adulthood and will find that others respond to him as someone worthy of their respect .
24 ‘ But at the moment you 're drinking somebody else into house and home , ’ argued Werewolf .
25 The cost to a superior involves the humbling experience of admitting limits , further undercutting the status differentials captured in organizational hierarchy and calling them further into question .
26 The bearded head gardener who is always tending the apple tree ; the wise old sea-captain who never rushes to judgment ; the character you 're not quite introduced to , but who is giving you a creepy feeling by Chapter Four … pack them off into storage , all of them .
27 When a liquid freezes , the molecular character of its surface is not too greatly changed and the energy of the surface remains much the same although the surface tension is no longer able to change the shape of small particles by rounding them off into drops .
28 However , I understand that the finishing line has been re-aligned and that being the case bookmakers on the rails next to the course will be moved nearer to the winning post , bringing them more into contact with punters .
29 If the war brought them more into line with popular feeling , then it was not because they had changed , but because popular opinion ( or at least the Liberal-Labour part of it ) had at last seen the light .
30 A ‘ train ride ’ takes you right into town where all the action is .
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