Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 America and Germany are countries which are particularly good at recruiting and keeping in regular contact with their supporters , which makes it far easier to galvanise them when you need them most in the run-up to an election .
2 Every sunset the apes would return from their day 's foraging to sleep in the branches of this giant tree , and we were driven to distraction by our repeated attempts to film them properly in the few seconds after they arrived and before the sun set .
3 I admire them for being so up front about their religious activity because it puts them right in the front line against anti-Semitism . ’
4 And if you 're in the middle of a supermarket , you can talk to them right in the middle of a supermarket .
5 You must have disturbed them right in the act . "
6 Pot up the small young plants as ‘ plugs ’ and grow them on in a frame or a greenhouse — or even in a wooden box covered with polythene .
7 I did put my shoes on cos I thought I sha n't get them on in a minute because my feet swell when I sit down .
8 I put them on in the afternoon ; my mother became very silent .
9 It would be best to grow them on in the smaller tank as they are likely to be attacked , if not eaten , by the larger fish .
10 Instead of getting rid of the programmes , they should sack the bosses who put them on in the first place .
11 I did n't want to wear glasses , and I was thinking how I could get out of it but finally they brought in a bunch of pairs of glasses and I was trying them on in the mirror , and I tried on a pair and I thought , ‘ Gee , these do n't look too bad ’ .
12 Dressing apraxia refers to difficulty in putting on clothes ; the patient may manipulate them haphazardly , unable to relate them spatially to his own body , or he may be unable to put them on in the correct sequence .
13 No , but I mean there are other such reasons I mean there may be initially choosing clothes or something like that , but when I put them on in the morning I usually put them on to suit the weather and what 's clean and what I 've got tights to match .
14 The French troops in Saudi Arabia moved up to Hafar al-Batin , some 100 km from the Kuwaiti border , placing them effectively in the front line .
15 The way to get the maximum flavour out of dried apricots is to bake them slowly in the oven instead of stewing them .
16 One of the things that bothered me most in the villages of the Delta was the treatment given to women in childbirth .
17 It is also quick enough to get me somewhere in a hurry if I 'm called out on an emergency .
18 The house was hot when they got back into it and they walked around with nothing on in the dark rooms with windows and doors open .
19 ‘ You will land me right in the shit if you do n't fill this up .
20 Why , once he looked me right in the face and sneered .
21 We are seven in number altogether , with me right in the middle .
22 He did say to me right in the very beginning basically it 's answering the telephone .
23 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
24 I 'll judge marmosets if you catch me nicely in a weak moment on the end of a moribund week .
25 Sun readers will not become Times readers simply because the latter is somehow ‘ superior ’ ; they are Sun readers because it ‘ serves ’ them better in a complex social and psychological way .
26 His hobby was breeding bees and one day he brought them in in a glass cabinet and he was saying , ‘ These are the workers and this is the queen bee , and they fly out of the window and come back with pollen and they make honey . ’
27 ‘ I wonder if these councillors realise that anglers are among the people who vote them in in the first place , and who they are supposed to serve ? , ’ he asked .
28 No , it 's the ones who bring them in , who brought them in in the first place — ’
29 And I 'll say this now , they was in business there , nextdoor , and I knew them like that , they says any machinery come here and use it , and they 'd got shears and all that sort of thing , and with their help , you know , I had these four locks and did them and took them down in no time to m to er , to and they was flabbergasted because of the quickness of them , you know , and they says er we can always find you sommat to work if er this is the case .
30 At eighteen it 's so easy to romanticise things and put them down in a song .
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