Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 What impressed them most was that ActionAid works with the people themselves to decide how the money should be used to help the whole community .
2 ‘ What struck me most was that everybody in America smiles all the time .
3 ‘ The thing that surprised me most was that they did n't know how to make a quality tube at AISA and we showed them . ’
4 His statement to the conference and to me personally was that it was a Sunday issue .
5 Now , unless she could rescue herself , she had not even a place on the outside of Mrs Browning 's life and what troubled her most was that she cared .
6 What distressed her most was that she began to find herself liking the woman , with whom she realized she had much in common .
7 Mark tells us so much about who Jesus is and what he 's come for just by showing us that one miracle but what I 'm suggesting to you here is that you can look for greater meaning in it , further symbolism .
8 Erm what , what I said to you earlier was that er at the very beginning where you could help me was if , if you found this of value to you , this service that I 've just provided , erm perhaps you could erm th there might be er some friends of yours that er you might find that this might be of beneficial to .
9 The , one of the other points we did , we also was that there was no indications of when this legislation was going to let these changed take place and that would have been very helpful to the editor .
10 The reason a black hole ‘ remembers ’ the electric charge , angular momentum , and mass of the matter that collapsed and forgets everything else is that these three quantities are coupled to long-range fields : in the case of charge the electromagnetic field , and in the case of angular momentum and mass the gravitational field .
11 One reason for including them here is that the bombings and assassinations of today are the legacy of the civil disturbances of the 1960s .
12 A parameter entity is an SGML construct which may be thought of in simple terms as like a variable declaration in a programming language : the effect of using them here is that each base tag set can provide its own specific definition for the constituents of texts , which can , moreover be modified by the user .
13 Yes , I can see , Bill , that the reason why you invited me today is that I am Mr Clean , not being a Local Authority Councillor of any shape or hue erm and I seem to remember
14 ‘ They used their failure to get sponsorship as an excuse to get out , ’ says Mario with understandable bitterness , and what hurt him most was that they strung him along until well into 1976 , despite the fact that he could easily have had another drive .
15 What bothered him most was that the past seemed to get closer and closer to the present .
16 The thing that annoyed him most was that this was all such a waste of time when there was work to do .
17 Just just to show that erm well they just were that those sort of people you know .
18 What pleased her enormously was that over these garments Tina actually wore one of the patchwork aprons she had made and given her years before , with little hope of their ever being used .
19 The irony for him now is that a third success could relegate the club he supported as a boy .
20 What annoyed him though was that he had to make most of the preparations .
21 What must be hurting him today is that others did not have the courage to do the same to him .
22 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
23 he was n't going to let them go , I mean we were n't told any of that on the news , there was n't a word of that , it only be that from the papers that we 'd got
24 The difficulty with writing it down was that it became real to the extent of being in a book , there were two lives , the one in the book and the one which he lived to collect the details for the book one ; he could go further in his head than on the page , the words slowed him down .
25 Half those questioned had not heard of SERPS — which might not have been surprising had it not been that most were members of it .
26 If anything , by the end of the nineteenth century it was the expanding Polish population of the partition areas that needed living space , and the German Ostflucht might well have given it to them had it not been that Germany desperately needed to maintain the spluttering fiction of the drive to the east to divert and subvert internal political pressures .
27 It becomes an argument about propriety : Smith says ‘ May it not be that in woman the physical pain neutralizes the sexual emotions which would otherwise … tend very much to alter our estimation of the modesty and retiredness proper to the sex , and which are never more prominent or more admirable than on these occasions ? ’
28 Could it not be that during cleavage , when the egg divides up , each cell acquires special determinants , either cytoplasmic or nuclear , which would control the cell 's future development ?
29 Warlow and his supporters point to the fact that certain quasars ( highly energetic galaxies ) have jets of material emerging from their cores : could it not be that stars and big gassy planets can behave analogously ?
30 Might it not be that the glowing auras are in fact photographs of the soul ?
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