Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When someone hears the national team news , could they e-mail me or mail the list , as r.s.s is increasingly poor at giving information like this .
2 if I needed any I , I used to ask my boss or phone up head office and say petty cash is getting a bit low I 've used a lot of stamps last week , they 'd send me up a cheque and , never any question of they 've provided us with tea and the pint of milk I use , I , I 'd bring it in with me or ask the
3 At this stage there will be a decision to do nothing or pursue the issue .
4 If they turn all their power on Forteviot , we either have to do nothing or cross the river ourselves and give battle .
5 With other feelings we may be burdened by their strength , yet still be free enough to choose whether we express them to others by word or action , indulge them or keep a tight rein on them .
6 However , the children of your unmarried partner can not inherit from you unless you adopt them or make a will even if they have been living as a family with you both .
7 Brush your eyebrows to smooth and shape them or try a gel to gloss them .
8 Many of them never wanted to lend overseas in the first place , but were forced into it by the internationalization of American commerce ; as their local clientele expanded into foreign trade , they had no choice but to follow them or lose the business to the money-center banks .
9 If certain key individuals have still not arrived start without them or cancel the meeting .
10 Ask friends what 's worked for them or buy a paperback that offers a realistic diet and know you can keep to .
11 Participants listened to the story read at an even pace of around 120 words per minute and had to write down all the errors they could detect as they heard them or insert the missing word .
12 A certain firm famous for their ‘ bags ’ trouser suits , used to do an extensive line of grey anoraks , but they obviously had a visit from the style police and were made to put bits of navy blue and red in them or face a lengthy jail sentence .
13 Stop em and have the stuff on them .
14 All of us are very good at blaming ourselves if things go wrong and feeling upset , but we must be fair with ourselves and take the credit when things go well .
15 ‘ We can exert ourselves and win the battle for funding for the Highlands and Islands .
16 Its methods may improve our understanding of our patients and ourselves and form the basis for behavioural changes , on which reduction of the risks of the disease still largely depend .
17 Living is never an exact science and we invariably over reach ourselves and destroy the balance of things .
18 Our young people deserve honesty from ourselves and have a right to it from the Church .
19 Somehow we break through the barrier of mental blocks with which we tend to limit ourselves and find a greater freedom of both performance and attitude .
20 Sitting in a traffic jam with such a car alongside is a contemporary purgatory that produces reactions in me that bode no good for the future of the human race and make me a menace on the roads for minutes afterwards .
21 The young man who has been married at the same time as his peers does not share his wife with them nor do the wives share their husbands .
22 Given the very real threat of political vetting , many in the community think it is better to say nothing than risk the wrath of government .
23 I would rather abandon Eton , Winchester , Harrow and all the rest of them than sacrifice the advantage of the grammar school . ’
24 But we make common cause in attaching more significance to them than do the theories ( except perhaps for Idealism ) discussed so far .
25 " Covetous persons and extortioners and them that grind the faces of the poor , God shall judge . "
26 Though he may say things to them that have no exact parallels in Scripture , his word does not contradict Scripture , neither does it have the same normative quality .
27 The Turks cautiously did nothing except invite the powers to maintain the Berlin settlement .
28 He said the RSSPCC would unconditionally oppose the programme ‘ on the simple principle that this can do nothing except prolong the distress and damage of the children , ’ regardless of the rights or wrongs of the authorities ' handling of the case .
29 If the workers fail to perform , the supervisor will guarantee to do the job himself or assist the workers to do it .
30 The vendor may offer the site for sale himself or instruct an estate agent to act on his behalf in the disposal of his property or land .
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