Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either give it to me or do n't . ’
2 You know , and he 'd got you , you ca n't sort of say , do n't ever be in touch with me or do n't ever or do n't ever
3 He pretended he did n't know me or did n't want to .
4 Most people just listen to weather forecasts and either believe them or do n't believe them and certainly get cross with people like yourselves if it
5 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
6 I I that has n't been made clear and erm you you then end up with getting down to the nitty gritty is this an application you advertise under the new procedures for ad advertising departures from the development plan ?
7 Despite the improvement from IBM 's personal computer business , overall profits were weak in the company 's hardware operations : the gross profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29% , compared with 48% a year ago ( a decline of 19% has been bandied about , but that came from someone that does n't understand percentages — it 's a fall of 19 percentage points or 39.6% ) ; the overall gross margin was 39.5% in the first quarter , down from 50.8% a year ago ; IBM 's tax rate was 25% in the first quarter , below the 45% rate IBM had indicated earlier ; IBM told analysts to continue to expect the 45% rate for the rest of this year .
8 I but do n't forget she 's got your mother as well and I think you ca n't
9 Genscher recalled that the decision embodied in the treaty was a difficult one for all Germans , particularly the millions who had been expelled from their homes in the area annexed to Poland , but that the treaty surrendered nothing that had not been lost long ago .
10 The answer to that was , nothing that had n't happened already .
11 Kevin and I had a bit of a scuffle , but it was nothing that did n't happen all over the park and certainly nothing to warrant our marching orders .
12 Nothing that has n't happened before , Father , ’ Ellie replied , almost as wearily , but still refusing to look up .
13 ‘ It 's the first sandwich you 've ever made me that has n't got any paint on it . ’
14 No , you 've I have n't , it 's me that has n't been , I 'm terrible for ah ha
15 Did n't go down too well with me that did n't .
16 Me that did n't know what to do I was n't gon na participate .
17 Maybe if I keep mum and keep my fingers crossed — what did my father always say when I could n't have something : ‘ Them that ask do n't get , them that do n't ask , do n't want . ’
18 Yeah , I I just wondered because there are some of them that do n't have any relevance to national curriculum and I want
19 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
20 The killing of Polanski 's wife — who was in her last month of pregnancy and carrying a ‘ perfectly formed ’ baby son , also murdered — along with three friends and a totally unconnected young man of eighteen who had been visiting a caretaker living in the grounds , naturally caused Polanski extreme mental torture , made worse by the knowledge that he had promised to return to the house himself and had not made it in time .
21 For example , he tends to pitch in and sort things out for himself and does not spend enough time on man-management .
22 Like a dreamer , the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it .
23 ‘ Engraved with tongues of flame , ’ said Flaherty , who had thought up this himself and did not want it overlooked .
24 There are internal disputes which are resolved by a visitor who is not a lawyer himself and has not taken legal advice .
25 In the UK , the client must either be eligible for legal aid , or fund the action himself and risk not recovering costs .
26 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
27 ‘ Only thanks to me and try not to forget that the corp ‘ ere also witnessed everything what ‘ appened . ’
28 In a few hours I felt reborn and replete with new powers , washed clean and cured of a long sickness , finally ready to enter life with joy and vigour ; equally cured was suddenly the world around me , and exorcised the name and face of the woman who had gone down into the lower depths with me and had not returned .
29 You need n't worry any more , because you arouse nothing in me and have n't done for many a year .
30 Oh , please God , she prayed , shake Perdita out of this ghastly mood and make her happy again , and look after darling Violet and Eddie , and Gainsborough and Ethel , and please God , if you think it 's right , let me fall in love with a man who is n't married , who falls in love with me and do n't make it too long .
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