Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] could never " in BNC.

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1 Knowing the effect this had on me I could never conceal myself from a child of mine .
2 I I could never I never knew anybody personally because er you know you just used to go work and then go home and that was it .
3 And er er I I could never understand why people that obviously could hear what went on and pretended they never .
4 God I you could never tell if you 're , you 're going to be there long enough in job , if the , the boss did n't like you then he would just say well you 're , you 're paid off and that 's it , so that 's sort of benefit of keeping your union membership up you could go to anywhere where there was a trade union , a union membership and get a job .
5 Even Nick had become someone who could never be hurt — to be treated as a child treats a parent , with love but without consideration .
6 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
7 For reasons which I could never grasp , some restaurants seemed in a position to provide much greater variety than others , and my wife and I found one such place in the Hanover Square area , where I worked .
8 She went on a school trip to a museum and we gave her our little camera which I could never use .
9 She was suddenly in alien territory again , being accused of being somebody she could never be , except on stage with a script in her hand .
10 It was a turn of the screw of which she could never have dreamt herself capable .
11 Of what value after all is a power which one could never use , or at any rate did not know how to use ?
12 One result of this moral panic was that , even as the anxiety mentioned by Furlong ( ibid. ) forced us to react to these public demands with some arrests , we insiders with ‘ special knowledge ’ , who were working face to face with the counter-culture , knew there was a different social reality abroad which we could never adequately explain to the entrepreneur or encapsulate for the media headline .
13 We have formulated an ideal piece of research which we could never hope to carry out with our own ( almost certainly ) limited money , time and personnel .
14 There were awkward times as well as good times , and subjects on which we could never agree .
15 He can not only bring to our remembrance what Jesus taught , but can reveal to us the deeper significance of his person , his death and resurrection which we could never have grasped by historical contemporaneity .
16 It was a trap from which he could never escape .
17 I always felt that he was never really happy with his performance of La Mer ; he was searching for certain textures which he could never really get in hand .
18 Standing with him , chewing the chalky corn , it was not difficult to enter his vision of the only past to which he could comfortably look ; a spiritual homeland to which he could never return .
19 Nor tenderness either , but more a wistful thought of a better world where such things as new beginnings could actually take place , and which he could never realistically expect to see .
20 He had helped the actor on one or two cases and found an enthusiasm for investigation which he could never muster for his extremely lucrative solicitor 's practice .
21 Years later she told me she could never remember an angry word between them .
22 Does the little old lady , the widow , the pensioner , the schoolgirl know that her precious pound is going into a ‘ management ’ meal at a five-star restaurant , the inside of which she herself could never afford in her wildest dreams ?
23 ‘ That devil Heathcliff told you he could never love Miss Isabella !
24 The courage the British captain had shown on numerous dangerous patrols into enemy waters and the havoc he had wrought against shipping there was something I could never match in a hundred years .
25 ‘ I realised then , you see , that , of all my ambitions , you were the one I could never bear to lose !
26 That was something which could never be established after this lapse of time .
27 It is also , of course , from the perspective of the defendant and the prosecutor the inconvenient and expensive course to take , and one which could never have been taken if the case had begun in front of a bench of three ( see e.g. Bromley JJ. ex p Haymills ( Contractors ) Ltd. [ 1984 ] Crim.L.R. 235 ) .
28 It is a tall order for someone so new to the professional ranks , but one which could never be construed as being beyond a competitor who , as an amateur , tied for second place behind Greg Norman in the Australian Masters at Huntingdale at the start of this season and who also finished in the top 10 in the English Open at The Belfry .
29 She was wildly alive and singing inside , restlessly wanting something she could never have .
30 She had just lost something she could never get back .
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