Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] said [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If Mike had even got a bit on me I said I 'd have bloody killed him !
2 I 'd said after all I 've had done to me I said you 've caught 'em , I 'll prosecute .
3 you 're not going without me I said you 'd better hurry up and get bloody dressed then had n't you ?
4 Tha that was n't me I said you ai n't fucking learnt !
5 And I said to them I said I watched a film last night called Savage Sea .
6 Yeah I know he could but I I said she , I said either .
7 D' ya no I 'm not just cos I I said it 's a waste of tape .
8 Would we believe someone who said they were viewing with enthusiasm the prospect of being 85 ?
9 When Ivy went to see her she said oh Mrs Mr came to see me yesterday afternoon he brought another gentleman with him , a nice gentleman so I she said I think they were taking the census , they got me to sign a paper .
10 Er , I do n't wan na put the onus on Paul to do that , I I 've asked and said I he said he 'd be queen , you know be ke , that was before the
11 He said that 's when they put presents round and er he come in on the Friday on the Friday night and I mean I was in a right state , I mean we 've been in there about seven weeks and I was like at the point of like a nervous breakdown and he said to me how do you feel about me taking Matthew from you , so I said I he said I think you need a break .
12 Well we 've had all this trauma about you know , cos I do you , where do you want the he said well do n't see much of daddy or nan and granddad and nana and granddad said they moved in on Christmas Day stay here and Rachael and Steven would n't come up , stay here on Christmas Day , it 's quite likely , quite likely to go with daddy he said but , in many ways I he said I know what we can do is when we send up the chimney we could put nanny 's address , nanny 's address on it , shall we ?
13 I says Well I must admit it is yes I you know I He said I 'm going to get a policeman if you 're not careful .
14 There was also wistfulness about Paros and whether I found it more beautiful , which I said I did n't — may I be forgiven .
15 Well , well actually , there 's one thing I 've missed out which I said I 'd come back to , and that was the front line review that I referred to .
16 He wondered whether I would give a dinner , which I said I would , at my home .
17 He had a spare ticket for the Leeds end which I said I would take if I could get past the ‘ security ’ outside the Leeds end .
18 has n't started driving yet , but if for instance , erm , I 've left my car out , just left it in , in the way , cos nobody nobody said they were gon na go out and all of a sudden they wan na go out before I get up or something , fucking this cars reversing here , fucking everywhere , but that , and that
19 which you said it has , er you would perhaps recommend me to some people you know erm like the partner in your er your work or the members of your squash club .
20 Oh somebody who said it ?
21 Anyway , the word is and it came from somebody who said he was looking at her in the Chamber the other day that she is going blind .
22 which she said they do have people who do n't progress much staying on
23 Both of them were taken aback by the force with which she said it and she blushed red .
24 I think my one of my favourite passages in Adam Bede might be the description near the beginning of the novel of the methodist preacher , Diner , addressing a meeting of villagers and instead of giving you the entire speech , word for word , George Eliot gives you a little bit of what she said and then describes the manner in which she said it , and the manner in which it was actually received .
25 I had a letter from her this morning in which she said she had a bronchial chill and hoped that I fared better .
26 Meanwhile , Mona Bauwens issued a statement in which she said she was ‘ very sorry ’ at the news .
27 Sophie Swales was found to have in her possession 1s.1d and Jane Lawrence 3d. , which she said she had borrowed from Sophie Swales .
28 And it had a stain on the shoulder which she said she would hide with a gold rose .
29 They found Bowler screaming she had stabbed her husband and produced a knife from the kitchen which she said she had used .
30 Last month , Barnet were found guilty of financial irregularities by the Football League and were ordered to pay a fine of £50,000 , which they said they were going to appeal against .
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