Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] want [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was an enormous subject upon which we had embarked , and I felt that , as a minor guest of the monastery , I must not monopolize the time of the guest whom everyone wanted to meet .
2 Every time you came near me I wanted to put my arm round your waist . ’
3 ‘ From the day Lazio offered £5.5million for me I wanted to come here .
4 And for me I want to start here , thank you .
5 I 'm not having it er she did n't do the , when she said to me I want to speak to you about it , she said , you know , she was n't involving me at all was she ?
6 Tell me I want to know .
7 There 's nothing I want to say about it . ’
8 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
9 He said : ‘ If I 'm deciding whom I want to live with for 50 years — well , that 's the last decision in which I would want my head to be entirely ruled by my heart ’ .
10 I saw quite a few artists whom I wanted to represent on the trip .
11 ‘ However , it was you , Major Karr , whom I wanted to see .
12 ‘ Tell them I want to go out the way I came in , Shih Herrick .
13 Shall I I want to stir it .
14 I I want to push off erm because I 've got a lot of work to do tonight .
15 I I want to say er t two things .
16 I 'm going to get an address for Sam anyway cos I I want to get in touch with him
17 Er Mr Mayor there 's only one point I I I want to make an and that is this is a rather typical conservative budget .
18 Well I I want to have a big picture of England on the wall on which I can start to tick off bits as we get them .
19 Er well I 'm not sure I want to I I I I want to help you out chairman .
20 Now this phrase strictly controlled erm I I I wanted to ask it myself because I you know trying to push it through to what it actually means I think the county council if you like has taken it at what may be face value and said well strictly controlled must mean something .
21 I I wanted to make three points really .
22 My I wanted to do , is said my name is Jonathan do do , doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo do da da da da da da da money dee da my name is Jonathan ee ee ee dee doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo din din din din din din my name is Jonathan din din din and it 's mine and it 's mine oh oh oh mum mum bom bom bom bom bom , bomby om bomby om doo de doo doo doo doo dee dee dee dee doo doo doo dee doo doo dee dee dee I said my name is Jonathan come on mum I kept the cassette going .
23 They are now together and Robert says ‘ I am so happy having found someone I want to spend my life with .
24 And it was and I who wanted to see it in the first place .
25 The connecting trench was constantly full of water now , and because the firing-step was in danger of crumbling there was no alternative for someone who wanted to visit the other wheel but to wade through water and mud .
26 Similarly it would be stated in the estate agents ' particulars whether permission had been granted for a house which is up for sale to be sold to someone who wanted to use it as a second home .
27 Someone who wanted to do what you 've just done , ’ I said as I followed him inside .
28 It must be difficult if you had someone who wanted to go out all the time or if they 're sort of really living it up or something I mean
29 Lewis Edwards tells of someone who wanted to break up the Hobgoblin Stone ( Carreg-y-Bucci ) in Wales for gateposts .
30 Being in a gallery as a secretary , I eventually met someone who wanted to start a gallery with me .
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