Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] having the " in BNC.

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1 Well I think it , we should er congratulate ourselves in having the European Community as a piece of machinery inside which it 's possible to contain a power the size of Germany .
2 After another term , I was given more art , and my class-room became an unofficial art room , much to the distress of the caretaker , who accused me of having the dirtiest class-room in the school !
3 We may know these things on an intellectual level , but there 's nothing like having the emotional truth of them brought home on a gut level-none of us are free from some degree of the self-blame that makes so many women feel responsible for their own rape .
4 For example , it is more convenient to believe that your behaviour ‘ just happens ’ because this absolves you from having the responsibilities that accompany choice .
5 Just to make sure that nothing stops you from having the best , we 've arranged some excellent flexible finance schemes .
6 Meantime at Southampton University , which prides itself on having the largest optoelectronics research group in the UK with 100 scientists , its own fabrication facilities and 35 dark room labs , activities are focussed on a variety of optical fibre , laser and sensor devices .
7 She contented herself by having the official offer letter framed .
8 I salute him for having the courage to come off the fence ; though he leaves many of his colleagues still perching there .
9 She loved him for having the consideration to stop now .
10 I find Dr. Proudie and some of the characters such as Mr. Harding and Eleanor Bold rather pathetic and not worthy of sympathy — I do not know whether these are the sentiments Trollope hoped to arouse , but though I obviously dislike Mrs. Proudie as we are supposed to , I find that I can admire her and sympathise with her for having the bad luck to be surrounded by such people .
11 He felt a great deal of anger towards his wife and really wanted to express it to her but she had cheated him , as he saw it , by deliberately having an accident and dying and therefore depriving him of having the opportunity to say what he felt .
12 Her father glared at her as if he suspected her of having the whole thing arranged behind his back .
13 He was accusing her of having the morals of an alleycat again , and she was tired of it .
14 A de-clawed cat is a maimed cat and anyone considering having the operation done to their pet should think again .
15 You can see how Dorothy Sayers did it by having the victim being supposed to be actively painting when in fact he was dead , and it is by using some such piece of lateral thinking , making the victim provide the alibi in this instance , that the trick is probably most easily brought off .
16 in fact erm we only managed to get away with it by having the one
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